Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Evolution Through Pictures

                                                          No diet, no weight watchers. Just pure 180 lbs of me in 2007. I was a size 14 there

                                                           Spring Break 2008  

                                      Summer 2008
                                                         May 2009 Clark Graduation, was on weight watchers. Size 12 and 160

                                     October 2009
                                                              Notice the pizza.. 2010. Size 10 and on weight watchers, still

                                                    HUGE gap in photos between 2010 and 2012...wonder why

                                          Family photo shoot, 2012, size 12 still but convinced I can fit in my size 14 (wears like a 10) wedding dress

October 2012, that dress is a 14 and no longer fits

May 2013, purchased that dress at Target and it was tight when I got it but fit perfectly in May!

July 2013, weighing 145lbs wearing a medium skirt and a medium top

June 2014

December 2014

Another Whole 30 Journey to begin!

As I gear up for the new year, I'm also gearing up for another whole30. I'm getting more nervous but also excited to see some results and push my body to the limit. After a year of pilates, I was able to move to a consistent schedule of twice a week and my trainer has started to push me beyond where I was despite a month set back (I was doing mat pilates and messed my back up because I wasn't being supervised by the instructor). I'm at the point with my workouts that I've recently been thinking about giving Pure Barre a shot. The struggle with that is my work schedule and how far it is from my apartment. But I'm definitely trying to figure out if I want to do more physically and my work schedule doesn't really allow for many commitments other pilates but maybe this is an excuse. More thinking on Pure Barre to come....I'll let ya know where I land.

As I think back on 2014 and my journey in my second full year as a Paleo, I'm reflecting on how easy it was to be Paleo with no problem. I constantly think about how easy it is to ignore food like gluten pizza, brownies, breaded and fried foods, or even "regular" bread. It's amazing to me that I can so easily spot things that will make me bloat, cause severe stomachaches or even create the dreaded "sick" tummy. In January, I will begin the 3rd year of my journey and I can't believe how far I've come. Last night, I was with a friend who I've only recently gotten to know really well (recently meaning the past year). She hadn't know me in my pre-gluten free days and we started talking about how I got into my lifestyle. I showed pictures from 2007, pictured somewhere in this blog, and she couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that the picture was me. We scrolled through a few and she was shocked. I'm still surprised that its me sometimes. I can't believe I haven't always been g-free and Paleo. For the first time in my life someone was calling me "fit" and "active"  and I believed her. It was a surreal feeling to be called words that I don't use to describe myself. It's hard for me to get past the distorted view of myself I see in the mirror but I'm starting to see my body the way others see it and apparently that's "fit", "tiny" and "healthy". Who knew? I didn't start Paleo 2 full years ago with the intention of loving it. I really started it because my ex wanted to and I wanted to support her journey and here we are two full years later! I'm still in love with my lifestyle and still loving all the benefits.

People always ask me if I miss anything.....yea I guess I do but honestly, I don't remember what's to miss. The stomachache? The bloat? The acne? The fuzzy-head? The brain farts? All for a slice of Italian NY pizza? Nah. I'm good. Since really living my life this way, I can smell things better than most people and most smells satisfy cravings. The true test will be when I'm in NYC in June and NYC pizza is in front of me. I might take a bite but not eat a whole slice. It's too easy to remember how my body feels when I eat certain things. For example, I am so deep in this lifestyle I can recognize how my body reacts to certain veggies. Broccoli is an example of this. If I eat it, I bloat and get super gassy and experience super sharp stomach pains. Most people thing broccoli is good for you but not for me. Corn is something I have almost totally eliminated from my diet too. Corn is not the most easily digested food but it immediately bloats me and causes sharp pains in my tummy so I try to not eat it. Corn tortillas are another story. I will indulge in those once and awhile. But it's taken me two full years to recognize these things. It's awesome and I feel so empowered by knowing what my body needs to feel good and what it can't take. And that's what this next whole 30 journey is about. Recognizing the symptoms and listening to my body more. I'm excited about taking it with friends and my love and seeing where we land!

Monday, December 29, 2014

New Years is upon us

Another year is rapidly coming to a close. As it does,  I know many of you out there are making your resolutions and the biggest one is most likely (taking a shot in the dark here) to loose weight, to consistently be on a diet or exercise...am I right? Well I'm here to tell you, shift your thinking. Stop thinking about the diet, the exercise and just move, eat better and make conscious choices. Make a SMART resolution list rather than one that is so outlandish that you can't stick to it. What am I talking about? Reframe resolutions and make goals that are specific, measurable, realistic, timely (SMART). For example, I'm not going to make a resolution that is so wild that I could never obtain it but rather feel badly about failing when I can't do it.

Resolutions or Goals for 2015:

1. Cut back on spending. I have everything I need and I would like to see how much I can save by not spending so much on things (ie concerts, trips etc). Make my own free fun. The only trips I plan on taking are the ones that I have already planned and purchased.

2. Finish my 30 before 30 list

3. Visit more places within Southern California for day trips

4. Do whole 30 challenge twice because I know it works and I know I can do it

My goals for 2015 are more within my control. These are things I know I can do!  Notice I'm not saying "Loose 10 lbs" why would I focus on my last 10 lbs? Also, for how many years have I been trying to loose 10 lbs? When I focus on that, I crave everything I can't have and shouldn't have. I'd much rather reframe my thinking on the positive side of things. I'd rather just try and challenge myself with the whole 30 again and see if that gets me where I want to be and that's free from sugar.

Buzzfeed has a great post about this!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

back from another hiatus

Greetings friends!!!

It's been a while since I was able to write. This morning, I feel like it is totally necessary.

I stopped doing whole 30 a while ago and was trying to eat clean this past week. Yesterday, I splurged a bit with my dinner date and we had our favorite, Korean BBQ at our place in LA. Well, 4:30am, I woke up with the WORST stomach cramps on Earth. So much so, I had to take a pain killer and pray I didn't pass out. Luckily, I think I caught the pain just before the moment I loose consciousness. Normally, KBBQ does not effect me this way. I've never had an issue and I was so upset. I'm still quite weak this morning but planning on going to Pilates anyway. That moment, was another reminder of why I eat the way I eat. I can't live in constant fear of loosing consciousness over my stomach cramps.

For those of you who don't know, my gastroenterologist and cardiologist have said the loosing consciousness is called a syncopal episode. I've been having them for 20 years (literally since I was 9 years old). The nerve that runs from your brain to your rectum is normally not "tripped" unless in distress. Mine happens to be more exposed and the only way my body knows how to deal with extreme pain is to faint. Luckily this did not happen this morning. Which means I'm 6 months free of fainting! YAYA me. In any case, it was scary, as it always is but I got some new tricks this time. Ice cube instead of water. I'm known to faint mid-drink which is scary. So an ice cube really helps this. The pain was so intense, I was in a fetal position on my floor. My other half had to take the cats in the other room as they were trying to climb all over me. She was a trooper and really helped me through it.

This episode, as I like to call it, is a reminder to me. I really need to get back into my whole foods. And  need to really be more conscious about my food, even though I've never had trouble with KBBQ, that doesn't mean my body won't react negatively to something I've always done.

So that's my latest story. Listen to your body and keep moving forward. Life lesson: make adjustments as necessary. Be gentle with yourself and keep moving.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Been too long!

Wow, it's been 3 weeks since my last post! So much has happened. Birthday was awesome and I enjoyed some delicate desserts. San Francisco was amazing but I got a big ol' cold while we were there. It was strange. I had a sore throat and stuffy nose the whole time. This cold did not take me down, too much. I was encouraged to stay in bed for a whole day, which I did. I felt a bit better afterward so I continued my trip and took over the counter meds. We did all touristy stuff and enjoyed every bit of the trip! We ate at all sorts of places, we cooked breakfast at home for the most part but we ventured to this place, Cafe St Jorge and had gluten free breakfast sliders, AMAZING. We had Thai food too many times to admit. We had "Paleo" burgers, which weren't Paleo burgers as they were served with bread (I made a stink on Yelp ;) ) One day we went to Swan's Oyster Bar. The owners were definitely Italian and the place smelled of fresh fish; incredible. I have to note that the San Francisco airport is Paleo/Whole 30 heaven! There is this amazing market that you can buy Krave jerky, fresh food, kombucha, nuts, any percent dark chocolate, and so many other goodies! It was worth stopping at when we went to the airport and twice before we left on the plane. All in all a good trip for eating but not my health.

Once we arrived back in LA, I was seemingly fine, little did I know there was a lot happening inside my body. I went to work the next morning despite being a bit dizzy. Around 11:30am, I decided I needed to lay down. I did and then I was hit with the highest fever I think I've had in 10 years. And so begins my week of illness. I was down for the count and prescribed heavy duty meds. It's been 10 days and I'm finally feeling 90% myself. My weight suffered while I was sick as I had zero appetite. My stomach was in constant knots from the meds and I was having terrible tummy troubles. I did a ton of research on how I could start healing my gut while I was simultaneously killing it. I ended up making a trek to whole foods and buying a lot of bottles of Revive Kombucha. Kombucha is an great way to get probiotics and aids in digestion and metabolism. I found Revive while in San Francisco and knew it would help heal me while on the medicine. I also picked up a probiotic supplement. I believe these two probiotics in conjunction with the veggie broth I made, have really helped my gut. If you are on any antibiotics, check out getting some probiotics while you take the medicine.

The sad part of all of this is, I smashed my index finger (under a barbell at the gym) on June 11th and did not have use of it until this past week. Coupled with a pretty serious illness, I haven't really been able to workout in a month, other than the walking I did in San Francisco. Before the finger and illness, I was at my peak and really felt good about my strength and body. But there's not much I can do now other than let my body heal itself and take it easy, which hasn't been hard ;) 

I'm slowly getting back into cooking, which was not a priority during my illness, as you can imagine and not having an appetite doesn't help much. I finally was able to grocery shop this past week and made some chicken wings and pulled pork. I've been wanting to make this pork for like a month. It was very easy. Here's how I did it: 

RECIPE (kind of)
pork loin in the slow cooker for 8 hours with some spices, to taste, and onions on the bottom of the cooker. I added some Tesse Mae's BBQ sauce and left it. I got home from work and started pulling it apart. I put all of the shreds and fat back into the slow cooker with more BBQ for another 2 hours. I sliced sweet potato as the buns. Pre heat the oven to 400, use coconut oil to coat them with salt and pepper to taste. Stick in the oven for 20 minutes, flip and do another 15 minutes. Then assemble.

Last week, when I finally had an appetite, we broke out The Paleo Kitchen cookbook and made the cinnamon rolls. They were good but really hard to make haha. Probably will only make those every once and awhile.

Another huge change has been in my mother's life. After years of being frustrated with weight, gluten, sugar and not understanding how to make herself feel better. She has transitioned, successfully in my opinion, to an Autoimmune Protocol for Paleo. The book, Autoimmune Protocol by the Paleo Mom, has helped her immensely. She has a new found love and respect for food, whole food that is. She still craves the "crap" every once and awhile but she has been feeling so good. She has a lot of swelling and medical issues and according to her she's lost weight, lost inches and went from a size 14 pant to a size 10 in 4 weeks. She is by no means rich but she has made whole foods a priority. She is retraining herself. I've asked what her groceries cost as she is a house of 1 (when my brother is else where). She said she saves about $10 a grocery trip. That may not seem significant but it adds up. I've asked her to write a guest blog so hopefully you all will get her story sometime soon. I find it to be inspirational. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ended whole30 a week early.

It's vacation! I started yesterday morning with trying some "fluffy blueberry pancakes" from The Paleo Kitchen. Let me tell you that cookbook is BEAUTIFUL. The pancakes were great but my stomach hated them. I was immediately in the bathroom. Twenty-three days of no sugar and no baked goods, those pancakes weren't a good choice ;)

Last night I also had a stomach issue. Went out to dinner (joint birthday/going away for a friend) and started eating...again immediately in the bathroom. I had grilled chicken with pineapple and onions with some regular fries. I think the fries did me in. Then we got a free dessert due to my birthday. Bacon brownie......honestly, who could say no? Not me. I ate some. This morning another issue.

I tell you these instances to say, I have to stick to the way I was eating for 23 days. It seems that my system can't take anything else. I'm okay with this. I like eating that way. It's hard for other people to understand but I'm liking it. I'd rather feel good all the time than feeling hungover (which I do this morning from the gluten, sugar, and dairy) and running to the bathroom every so often. 

So whole30 seems to have changed my world. I am enjoying it this time around and am going to attempt to continue it during vacation but as I told my friend in NY, I'm going to be good to myself, not beat myself up and enjoy my vacation while still trying to eat whole.

Thanks for reading my rant about my poor tummy and my after vacation choice.

Be happy, healthy, and well.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


So I am stopping the whole 30 early (bc of my vacation) and decided to attempt rice today. Well I was sorry!!!!! Tonight I feel awful. I think my body has completely gotten use to my whole30 life and way of eating because I had a tummy ache immediately following the ingestion of rice then a few hours later I had some major issues. I have learned my lesson. My once coveted comfort food is now my enemy. The stomach cramps and the bloat are no joke! I just feel run down and terrible. I have to say for the record, this morning I was great. I only started feeling crappy after the rice.

I have decided to keep a pretty close whole30 diet even on vacation but I felt that since I would be on vacation, rice is a must... NOPE.

Now onto to my birthday. I've made the choice to get a hail merry tart for my birthday. I love them and have a feeling one piece will be enough. I'm very excited for that treat. I'm excited to trythings  and don't anticipate slipping back into old habits. But I do say this before my copy of "The Paleo Kitchen" has arrived ;)

Keep ya posted. I'm currently attempting to work out the nasty feelings and desire to throw up. :D

Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 15 and an injury


I am on day 15 of the whole 30 challenge!!!  HALF WAY! I can't believe I'm halfway through and I haven't had any major issues or complaints (besides a bum finger--which I'll get to...). I must say this past week, eating was hard. I didn't feel like doing it for the most part. Just was ambivalent to food-- which is weird for me. But I was. It was a few days and I think maybe it was due to having my cycle. I also have to say I did not cave and get Jeni's grass fed ice cream. I saw it in the store and almost went for it!!! But I opted not to. Another first for me. When I have my period, I typically want chocolate or ice cream or baked goods but this time I didn't succumb to it! I was very proud of myself. In the 20 years I've had my period this was a first! (Yes, it's been 20 years). That was a huge accomplishment! Now onto other matters. I go on vacation soon and I am contemplating stopping the whole30 a good 5 days early. Part of me doesn't want to and wants to keep going but the other part of me really wants to cut it so I can enjoy some chocolate on my birthday or some fries or something. But I can't figure out if that's my socialization and environment or if I really feel like a birthday deserves it (haha). I did want a g-free cupcake but now I think I could settle for some chocolate, goooooood chocolate. I guess I'll determine that while I'm away. I'm very much looking forward to it but it's also a point of contention in my mind because I want to not stop my whole 30 journey because I'm enjoying it this time but I feel like San Francisco needs to be enjoyed through food too......oh so much to think about.

Now to my injury.... I dropped a barbell on my left index finger when re-racking my barbell on Tuesday. Yup 40 lbs on my poor left finger. It got stuck. I underestimated the distance from my finger and the stopper. It hurt and still hurts!!!!!! It's a nice black and blue under the nail and still puffy despite icing. That being said, I had Pilates last night. I would say I did rather well for having an injury. It was great to be back in the studio. I just wish I had the use of all 10 digits. Today I'm typing this with just 9 fingers; it is a difficult task, might I add but I'm getting use to it.

My energy level has been lacking this week I think because of my injury and my period but all in all, I feel good. I even got my mother to cut sugar and gluten and processed foods!!!! I'll write a whole post about her later. But for today, I feel great and I'm hoping to get some exercise in later today. Just a bit, gotta keep moving. On to breakfast!!! Enjoy your day lovelies! Be happy, healthy and well!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fed Up movie

I've wanted to see this new film called "Fed Up" which documents the food industries changes to processed food over time, the exact moment our country became obsessed with diets/working out/ reduced fat, follows 4 young people (2 are people of color, 3 men and 1 woman) all under the age of 18. What I saw brought tears to my eyes. I watched these young people struggle with their weight and not understand why they weren't loosing weight when they were eating the proper portions of diet food (special k chips, multigrain cereals, pizza --which was said by CONGRESS to be a vegetable). The common denominator is the diet food. To make diet food, you take the fat out, which leaves crappy tasting engineered stuff. To tip the scale, the company's put in sugar. One of these kids cried on screen because she can't understand why the scale isn't going in the direction she wants. She keeps gaining weight. I can relate to her and the struggle she faces every day. I was always a heavy kid. I was teased on the bus. At age 12, I weighed more than my stepmother. I was always on a "diet." The tipping point for my weight was around 18/19-27. I was on hormones for my reproductive system from age 19-23 and all of a sudden started gaining weight. My cholesterol went through the roof. I was the biggest I had ever been weighing 180lbs. I did the special K diet, I drank slim fast (which eventually helped me shed 30 lbs) but I could never break 150lbs. I was stumped. I was so frustrated, like that 12 year old. I could not figure out what was making me stay overweight. I felt for the kids in the movie. One young man was stressed out he was going to die of a heart attack or stroke before 20years old. And there is no one to blame but the food industry. 

Have you ever looked at a label and thought "why isn't the percent of daily amount of sugar listed? It's only the grams of sugar, there is no percent!" This is because if they listed that, you'd be floored. You are getting more sugar in your Starbucks than your daily allotment. I will be honest and say, I enjoy a starbucks drink from time to time. I use to partake everyday or every other day. Since being whole30, it's been 3 weeks. I can now say I enjoy my cold brew with grassfed butter and MTC oil (actually sipping it now).

Did you know sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine? A study highlighted in the film, talked about how lab rats were given the choice between sugar water and cocaine and 40 out of 43 chose the sugar water. What does that tell you? We are addicted to sugar. Marketing is meant to get you to buy these sugary things but the problem is sugar cannot sustain you. Sugar immediately goes into the liver and raises your blood sugar, makes you feel hungry, and turns to fat. Almonds or whole food on the other hand, digest longer and the fiber makes you feel fuller longer. 

Something else that amazed me was a comparison between a McDonalds meal for a family of 4 and a chicken meal with some olive oil and whole veggies. Most people, including myself, think about class and access when talking about food. I, for sure, thought the McDonalds meal would be cheaper. It was 12$ MORE than the chicken. And the chicken meal, would probably give you leftovers. 

There were a lot of interesting facts in the film and there is so much that needs to be done. There is a bus that goes into neighborhoods in DC called food deserts. It is essentially is a grocery store on wheels. It's cheaper and the idea behind it is to make food deserts into food oasis. (For more information--I will say, I am still researching it but it's definitely an interesting idea.)

These are small steps in the right direction. What really needs to keep things moving is a call to action to the government. We need to move to sustainability of farms, need to knock those big companies on their butts (in an ideal world) and make good quality food accessible to all!

Something I didn't know was most big company names (Coke, Pepsi etc) sponsor a lot of research to say "a calorie is a calorie" or they have teamed up with the American Doctors Association. WhAT?! Why are we not more outraged? It just doesn't make sense.

After seeing this film, I immediately called my mother. She has been battling with sugar, gluten and a host of physical aliments my whole life. I called her to ask her to see the movie today. We were just talking about sugar addiction yesterday! She promised she'd go. I wish during moments like these, she lived closer. It'd be easier for me to help out and to give tips or suggestions. 

I will honestly say the commitment to whole 30 is ROUGH. There are moments when I find myself thinking about brownies or cupcakes or frozen yogurt because I should be eating those things. But after seeing that movie, I don't think I can bring myself to consume them. It's funny because I'd like to eat something sugary for my birthday but I might have to make a fruit plate and be done. It's amazing how different this whole 30 round is than the last. My mind set has totally changed and my body is proof. It's 7:43AM here and I'm wide awake. This happens a lot. The tiger blood baby! It's coming back. It's amazing how much clearer I am, how much more willing to move I am, how much stronger. Yesterday, someone I haven't seen in about 2 weeks said "you look skinnier and your hair is so shinny!" Part of me wonders if my hair is shinny because of all the fat I'm eating! HAHAHA.

Yesterday during the film, I started thinking ahead to my dining hall days and my meal plan. Oh I'm nervous, so nervous. I'm going to have to be extra careful and planful when it comes to eating there or even during RA training! OY that'll be difficult. Well, that's still 8 weeks away. For today, I have my sweet potatoes, my coffee, my avocados, my sausage and some yummy things in my fridge. I can't be worrying now about what's happening in 2 months.

The point of this post was to encourage everyone to see Fed Up. It really was eye opening and remarkable. I learned a lot and am still processing and trying to process it through a social justice lens because I know I have to be critical of it. 

I hope you all have a lovely Sunday!!!! Happy, healthy, and well.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Ratios and dining out

A side note before my real post:

I'm using my fitness pal on my iPhone to track how much fat/protein/carb I'm getting per day. The creator the 21 day superhero challenge (Emily) suggests 50%fat, 30% protein and 20% carb. I'm trying to stay within that breakdown. I'm not using the tracker to track my calories because I don't care about that. It might sound nuts for some people to hear "50% fat?!" Yup, I'm talking grass fed butter in coffee, coconut oil, MTC oil, avocados , almonds, etc. I will tell you, though oh skeptical reader, I believe this ratio is changing my whole being. I eat less and move more. Some days I feel really worn out but that's because of work and life. I'm sore after workouts but I recover faster. Yesterday, as a snack because I knew I'd be eating later, I had tuna. Yup, straight tuna. 16gm of protein. It was yummy and I didn't even need it all. I've upped my protein in order to even out that fat ratio. I eat veggies with every meal and am feeling great! So, keep in mind the ratios of food you're eating and plan accordingly. Being out is difficult. Today I plan on being away from home all day but know my food options where I'll be and know I can get high quality food with fat and protein. 

Today's whole 30 email is all about eating out. I did just that, twice, yesterday! Lunch was chipotle which is easy because so I can have protein, veggies and fat. Dinner was harder. I went on a date to a new restaurant. I did quite a bit of research prior to going. I was open with my server about my needs and he took that in stride. I had lobster braised in butter and filet mignon. (Surf and turf taco platter sans the tortilla, rice, beans or cheese). It was awesome. I was full and satisfied. That being said, I can tell my senses have changed because my date had short ribs. I smelled it and all I smelled was the delicious aroma of sugar. It was fascinating that I could smell it. I use to be a smeller of food but since going paleo/whole 30. I've done it more.

The easiest thing for me was to say to the waiter "listen, I'm going to be harder than the average customer, I have some allergies and am looking for a specific type of food."  He was more than happy to help. I had questions about sauces and how the lobster was prepared. Luckily he went into the kitchen and asked the questions. Sadly, my meal came with a kale salad (which I was excited about) but it came out and had QUINOA on it. Sadly, that is a grain and not something I can consume. So I left that and just are my protein. So dining out is a challenge but a challenge you have to be willing to invest in and ask for what you need!

Happy Saturday readers. Eat well and be healthy!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 7

Tomorrow is already Day 7 of my Whole 30 round two! I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. I will say that I'm working out almost everyday (twice today and Monday). I have more energy already. I was able to increase the weight at the gym this morning and am lifting for longer. I haven't used fruit to kill the sugar cravings because I must be honest, I haven't had real cravings. I've cut my kombucha consumption to one a day or one every other day. (Yes, I know it's only been 7 days but that's huge for me). I had coffee this morning with MTC oil and butter. I tried it cold but I prefer it hot. It's very creamy and tastes better than coffee. The MTC oil is recommended to help the consistency and it's a dietary supplement and helps brain function (from what I've read). I'm eating veggies with every meal and just all around consuming a better variety of foods. I'm really happy with the way things are going. The emails from whole30 are the same as before but look different because I'm not accidentally consuming sugar. I haven't made any slips. Which I think is a huge feat! I'm very proud of that fact! 

Some don't think this is a sustainable lifestyle but I think it's interesting and something that I would consider trying to keep up (within reason and not get too obsessed with it). I'm curious about the changes the next 3 weeks will bring. I do have to say, I plan on stopping before the 30 days is actually up. My birthday and vacation is coming up at the end of the month so I'd like to partake in gluten free treats and some various yummy things. I will probably do it again after that for July then not again until the start of school. We shall see. I think I can keep up most of it but I have to indulge for my birthday. It's only fair ;)

Thanks for reading my latest update!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Whole 30 day 3

This time around is so different!!!! It's been ten time easier than the last time. I'm not sure if it's because I have no dining hall to enable my wandering eye or if it's because my heads in it differently. I'm going with both. The fact is, it's 6:30PST and I'm awake with energy. That hasn't happened in a long while. This morning though, I must confess, I woke up hungry. I popped out of bed and consumed some cashews and a banana. So here I am.

My fridge is stocked and so are my cabinets. I made grocery lists for 4 different stores, as to get the cheapest deal! I'm feeling really good about whole 30 this time. I was really mean to it last time and I think that was a combination of a lot of things. I was fixated on all the "can'ts" and didn't see what I could eat. I felt like I was missing something. This time I don't feel that way at all. This time I'm attempting to look at it like a glass half full. 

I wanted to take a minute to write this post to encourage others if you've done the whole30, try it again! If you haven't done it ever and want a good kick start. Really follow the directions and go for it. It will suck, no lies there. But it'll be worth it. I'm already seeing differences in myself and it's only been 3 days.

This time around, I'm relaying less on fruit to help those sugar cravings. I'm not turning to my go-to, Oh it's fine to have a little of this, I'll just keep going. WHICH I DID. I realize now, I was only hurting my own progress. I'm much more serious about this time around and putting more planning into it. I'm reading better and turning more to protein and veggies when I have a craving. The thing I do find most interesting is my constant need to eat. I'm eating every few hours, not a meal but some smaller. I'm finding that I just am either burning food quicker or am just hungry more often.....I'll go with the former. ;)  

Let's do this. Have a lovely Sunday friends!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Whole 30 round 2

I recently said I wouldn't do the whole 30 again but I have changed my mind. I decided I want to give it a second shot and really focus this time. I saw a picture of someone on instagram who successfully did the 30 days and I want some results. I think my issues the last time were so grounded the old me (distorted body etc) that I couldn't see the nose on my face. I couldn't let go and just enjoy. I'm trying again because at the end of my month, I found out that I had been consuming sugar and soy. That SUCKS. This time around I'm going to read my labels more carefully and try to stick to whole food as much as possible. I even went and bought a cookbook that is whole30 approved minus the desserts. I really am going into it with a different mentality. Again, I will blog during and post pics of my meals as I create. Some thing I didn't do last time was really plan my meals out. I'm going to plan to the letter, even snacks. No room for error. Any money I would spend on eating out goes into a pot for the end :D We shall see!

Tomorrow is day 1. Here's to planning ahead of time.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Greetings from Paleo Land!!

Hi my friends and family,

It's been awhile since I've had a few minutes to sit and write. I woke up this morning feeling good. I popped out of bed and went to the store and ended up making honey muffins! It's been awhile and I thought I deserved a treat. I must say, I feel so much better NOT being on the whole 30. I had 90% Paleo day yesterday and I'm feeling very good about it. I'm amazed at how my body looks now as compared to when I was on the whole30. I feel like I'm leaner and smaller now. It's weird to me but I really think that my omitting certain things made my body feel like it wasn't ever getting certain things again. I keep thinking "I should do another whole30" but I don't think it's for me. I am much happier having more say in my food intake and having more control over whether or not I eat that corn tortilla or processed almond milk. I am going to lean toward more 90% Paleo this summer when I'm making all my own food (the big exception is when I'm in San Fran and eating delicious food). I enjoyed trying the whole30 but I'm certainly sticking to my version of Paleo. I love the way Paleo can be molded and changed for each individual person. Unlike the whole30, Paleo is in a way customizable for every body. For instance, I know I can handle rice and some other people BLOAT really terribly if they eat rice. I can handle almond milk but it can't have carageenan because that makes me bloat and feel awful. Some people can't eat too much nut flour and I know I can handle that. I can also sometimes manage dairy. It's interesting to see how each individual ingredient effects different people. Again, that's why I love Paleo so much, it's different for each person. I make it work for me. The whole30 is kind of one size fits all.

Well that's my two cents for today. My Civilized Caveman honey muffins await! Enjoy this beautiful Sunday.

Sunday, April 27, 2014



Carrageenan is something that seems to be in everything. It's used a thickener and I'm finding that the difference in my body after I consume almond milk that contains it, is not something I should ignore. My stomach gets bloated and heavy when I consume products with it. While it is extracted from red seaweed it still creates a difference in my body. When I was doing whole30, I was flatter all day but now if I consume almond milk (silk to be specific) in the morning, I get bloated more quickly. Maybe it's vanity and maybe it's comfort but I think I'm going to say bye bye to products with carrageenan.

Some products without carrageenan:

Silk pure almond milk
Trader Joe's refrigerated almond milk
So Delicious coconut milk and almond milk desserts

That's my tip of the day!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Stomach ache of new proportions

So I ate a lot of sugar this weekend and I think I can finally say, my body feels much better without it! Last night, Iaid in my bed practically whining because my stomach hurt so much. I could feel the sugar coursing through my veins. This morning when it came time to get up, I noticed my body felt heavy and my face way super puffy. My body can't regulate it's temperature and I feel gross. My stomach still hurts and every few minutes I get sharp pains. I think it is safe to say, sugar and I will have to be a rare treat and this feeling is going to have to be worth it!

And with that, I'm going to give it up, again. Thanks for supporting this journey and continuing to read!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Not Whole 30 anymore!!

This weekend, I went ahead and tried a few things: gluten free pizza (which included dairy) and some baked goods from Buttercelli Bakery in Sherman Oaks. It's a bakery that has quite a few gluten free, vegan and My Pal Leo (Paleo) options. I was heading out to Glendale anyway so went the extra 20 minutes and purchased an amazing array of products. I wanted to see how it felt to eat these things again and how my stomach felt. Well everything went alright! I ended up offsetting it by going to the gym last night for an hour (after a 45 minute walk yesterday morning). But I will say, stomachache ensues today. I think I will be able to do this every couple of weeks. I can stay strict and then every couple of weeks go off of that. 

So trying new things! Headed to the gym later today to offset the spike in blood sugar and the gluten free amazingness I just had!

Happy Sunday to all and I hope you have a happy and healthy day! :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Coming to the deadline and what did I learn?

So whole 30 ends Tuesday. And I'm kinda glad. I go back and forth but I learned today that the prosciutto I eat before the gym and sometimes after a workout contains sugar. So technically, I haven't been following the whole 30 at all! I'm so mad. I will say this whole try at whole 30 has taught me a few things.....

1. I need to work out more. I really need to be exercising 5 days a week between Pilates, cardio, and lifting. Working out more helps me keep my body feeling good and energized. Since doing the whole 30, I work out once or twice a day. Sometimes a 45 minute walk or I'll do cardio for 45 minutes then go to Pilates. Today I did 45 minutes of the bike then my trainer kicked my butt at Pilates! My entire body is shaking and it feels so good!

2. Whole 30 is definitely Paleo on steroids. It's very rigid and definitely designed for first time Paleo-ers and people doing a detox or someone who wants to live with a lot of restrictions.

3. I don't need a weekly Paleo treat but if I'm going to have a treat, my exercise needs to off set it. So if I want to make brownies or cookies, I do have to off set it with the gym....this is something I've always known but the whole 30 just reinforced it.

4. I'm stronger than I thought and I need to keep building on that. 

So two more days until it's over, despite the fact that it feels like it never began.....I'm so sad to have learned this late in the game that my favorite protein contains sugar. But I haven't baked in a month and I haven't had excess sugar so that's a plus. It's not a totally lost month. 

This is what I learned and I probably won't do it again but never say never! :D Thanks for following along the journey with me. Here's to the next step!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 4 of illness and coming into the last few days of the whole 30

The way to end this whole30 dealy has been less than perfect considering my illness but I woke up this morning with energy! I don't think you know how great that feels!!!! It is an ungodly hour to be awake but I'm just happy I'm not in pain and my ears aren't throbbing anymore. The medications are at work which makes me so happy that I'll finally feel like a normal human being.

What does that mean for my whole 30? Well I'm going to continue for a week. Not paying for the whole30 but rather just eating how I've been eating and working out, hopefully the way I was before I got sick. I was going to the gym 5 days a week and doing Pilates twice a week. I'm really excited about that. 

Well that's my update. I'm hoping to take a walk at some point today to get out of the house! Ugh I am so happy to finally feel a little better. Thanks for the well wishes!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sick and in the home stretch

Hi all,

I haven't written in a few days because I, unfortunately, have been in my bed due to strep throat. I know, I know, it's strep and I shouldn't be knocked out like this but I am. I've been sick since Monday and on antibiotic since yesterday. 

The thing that BLOWS the most is that I'm in the final week of the whole 30 and I haven't been able to exercise since Monday. I have been feeling so crappy I can't do much. Not to mention my doctor said no work til Monday and my whole face hurts so I haven't done anything. I'd really like to work out soon though! I really miss it.

I'm living on soup, plantain chips, tea, and kombucha. This little paleo is really not happy about being so sick. I haven't had to take antibiotics in years. I can't believe how sick I got so quickly. That being said, I hoping my face and throat and ears start to feel better so I can rock the gym again! I'm so close to my goal and desire to be done with the whole 30.

I have stayed on the whole 30 and that's a new thing for me. Considering I feel like crap, I'm shocked I've been able to not go off of it. Small wins!

So I also found a new use for coconut oil. I have stretch marks on my stomach, so I rubbed some on my stomach and I'm hoping that in a few days the stretch marks will go away. Keep ya posted on that one!

Okay, that's my update. I'm heading back to my cave. (haha)

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Home Stretch!

One more week. 3 weeks are behind us and I can't believe that it's almost done! I am so excited. I think if I were to do this again, I'd make almond milk earlier and make chia seed pudding more often ;) I think despite the fact that this "diet" or Paleo on steroids as it's been described so often by many people, I have learned more about myself and my body. I need to be more active and not so reliant on Pilates and walks. I think the weight lifting and strength training aren't bulking me up but helping me to burn more fat. I'm also eating more veggies, which is weird because I use to rely on just meat. This weekend I ate more veggies than proteins and was totally happy. I have goals and I think the whole 30 will help me reach them more quickly in combination with working out.

In terms of my goals, I met one and I'm okay with that. My biggest goal was to be active for 45 minutes for 5 days a week, and being active could take any form...walking, gym, Pilates, whatever!!! I'm very proud of that one and I don't want to loose that as I come up on the 30 days.

It's also been great to have someone here in California doing the whole 30 but also a friend in NYC. We talk every day and keep each other accountable. We share recipes and "little wins" (!) like not minding the sweets that placed in front of us at a meeting or not snacking as much. We are in this together and that feels great! 

All I can say is my attitude is different from 3 weeks ago and I'm happy about that. It's been an evolution for me and I won't say I'll never do the whole 30 again because it might have to happen just to see what more changes I can inflict upon myself haha.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Crispy chicken wings!

preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
put a wire rack over the cookie sheet.
place the wings on the rack, spread them out. 
season with salt and pepper to taste.
stick them in the oven for 30 minutes.
after 30 minutes, take them out, flip them, then season to taste again.
once the second round of 30 minutes is done, take out of the oven, remove from rack.
place in a heat proof (pyrex) bowl, drench in Tessemae's "Southwestern ranch" dressing/marinade. 

Sunday Cooking! 2 recipes I haven't made yet...

Homemade almond milk:

1 cup of almonds
water covering almonds in a bowl
2 dates
filtered water (4 cups)
blender or immersion blender
cheese cloth

1. soak almonds over night in water (or some suggest coconut water to make it sweet, I just used regular water)
2. drain water from soaked almonds
3. put in food processor (with or without the shells, doesn't really matter)
4. add 4 cups of water and the 2 dates
5. blend
6. dumb into a bowl over cheese cloth

This is a messy process no matter how you do it. It was hard for me not to make a mess. Happy fact: it's currently in the fridge and tastes good! I think I might just keep buying it or try to make "Against All Grains" french vanilla creamer after the whole 30 is over. Or find a friend who can help the process.

tip: if you keep the almond meal you can make almond flour, I will figure this out and let you know how to do so.

Chia Seed Pudding:

2 tablespoons of chia seeds
1 ripe banana
1/4 cup of coconut milk (canned)

1. put ripe banana in food processor and add 1/4 cup of coconut milk
2. pulse in chia seeds
3. put in a bowl and refrigerate

I let it chill for 2 hours, enjoyed the WHOLE bowl with fresh strawberries. I will not lie to you...it is amazing!!!!!!!!! I'm contemplating making more later today. It's a great source of nutrients and so sweet all on it's own. It's the perfect treat.

This photo is pre-strawberries :) 

More to come!

Whole 30, day 21!!!!!!!

Holy cow. One week left (tomorrow)!!!!! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! It's amazing :D. Kind of exciting. Right?! It took about 3 weeks to get over some of my mental stuff but we're here. I'm passed the "I want this" stage. I'm in the "eh, I can do without it." Yes, making brownies or something would be great but I think this time has shifted my thinking about food. Though I won't lie to you, I really would like to eat a pastry and drink coffee for the sheer "coolness" of it. Not because I need it to live. Just because it's something different for me....different than eggs. I'm semi-sick of eggs. Yesterday was an egg breakfast which is fine and that kept me going most of the day!! I had Korean BBQ for dinner, so yummy and filling.

It's interesting how a workout mid-day will change my eating for the rest of the day. I worked out, kinda hard around 3:30pm (until 4:30pm) and ended up not eating dinner until 9pm (there was a super long wait at the restaurant) but had plantain chips with almond butter around 5pm. I find if I snack after my workout, I don't need dinner right away. It's kinda nice!

Last night, I went out of the house in leggings as pants. They were my new splits59. Full disclosure, they are semi-see through, which made me self-conscious but I was able to buy a long shirt last night that will cover my booty. 

Today is low-key, making homemade almond milk (!!!!) and chicken wings and starting to read one of the books I recently purchased. I've also gotten more serious about my workouts. I'm in the lifting stage. I'm making more of a conscious effort to lift before cardio and then do some cardio. Gotta get stronger! It's my goal to be a lean, mean, picking things up machine (haha). 

So 21 days. It's amazing how the time has flown. It's been hard but I think it's easier and when this whole thing is over, I'm going to keep up my activity level and try to keep my sweets intake to once a week rather than every day. Also if this almond milk thing goes well, I'm going to make it more often. It's not that hard. I've watched a few youtube videos about how to do it but the most recent one suggests adding a pitted date for added sweetness. I am going to try it! I'm excited because the coconut cream I've been adding to my cold brew isn't as sweet as I'd like but it's tasty. 

Recipe and instructions to come later today!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Some things whole30 have brought up for me...

I've gone a long time without telling the whole story behind my weight, my obsession with food, and my disordered body image and disordered eating. But tonight, I'm feeling compelled to explain...all of it....

I was always an overweight person. I was made fun of constantly in elementary school and middle school. I was short and fat. I wasn't getting proper nutritional information and wasn't taught about how to eat. Honestly, going through as much as I did as a child (a divorce, a major death, tons of moving, etc) I always turned to food for comfort and used it as a reward. In high school, I battled an eating disorder. Though I was never diagnosed. As a teen, I was starving myself. Then I flipped and started binge eating. The switch happened because I was on a massive amounts of hormones for reproductive issues. It was then that I started hiding food in my room. I would eat secretly. I would barely eat in front of parents and if I did, it was small portions and then would go back for more later when they weren't looking. I would conceal whatever food I was consuming by moving leftovers around or ice cream. I counted what was in the package and make sure my consumption wouldn't be noticed. It was a big issue. I was constantly talking about my weight. At 19 and 20 years old, I had a personal trainer, a nutritionist, and doctors looking into my thyroid and other potential reasons I was gaining weight.

In high school, I weighed 118 and ballooned to 160 by my first year in college. Everyone was concerned. My first year at Clark I noticed purple stretch marks on my stomach, thighs, and arms. I was uncomfortable all the time. I couldn't look at myself. This was when I started dieting and my self esteem tanked. I began Weight Watchers and became obsessed with what went into my mouth. I never lost any weight and in fact, was getting heavier. By my junior year at Clark, I weighed 180 and was so miserable with my body, I started Slim Fast. This was the most effective diet for me. I started to loose weight and fast! I was so excited. However, like most quick fixes, I gained it all back in grad school.

Once again, I was miserable. I went off all of the hormones and thankfully dropped some weight. I went back on Weight Watchers and tried to loose weight. I couldn't break 150 at this point and just felt like nothing was happening. 

Finally, last year, I started Paleo. For the first time in my life, I stopped obsessing about my calories! It was so liberating. I was (and am) very concerned about my body and how others see it. I'm constantly worried about what people see, where fat is hanging over, how shirts fit around my stomach, how my bras fit around my chest so not to see bulge of skin, etc. 

Doing whole30 has brought up a lot of issues for me. I find restricting foods is making me obsess with my body image, my food intake, and my exercise. It's making me worry about results and oddly enough, it's making me desire foods I've never craved. I have thought about stopping but instead, I'm going to continue and hopefully be able to move past the mentality around it and the move past some of the issues that have come up. I'm full and nourished but I obsess about the "can't haves" rather than the good, real food, I am eating and well!

I truly believe this is why I've had so much success with Paleo. It does not, ever, make me feel like I can't have something. There are so many rules associated with whole30 I become fixated. I've been doing really well at leaning on the folks doing it with me and just focusing on the health benefits; the increased energy levels, the lack of bloat, sleeping better, etc. But I did want to put my issues out there for the world to see because I know there are others like me. I just want people to know that they aren't alone. Disordered eating and body image are real. They effect lots of people. 

In the past year, my confidence has increased leaps and bounds and I am so thankful I have found a lifestyle that has given me the confidence to look in the mirror and see what really exists. I can finally see a person, not rolls of skin (which is what I saw for a long, long time). I can, for the most part, sit without covering my stomach. I finally have confidence to just be me and try new styles of dress.

Paleo has given me freedom and liberated me from dieting/counting calories/obsessing. I'm not complaining about doing whole30, I'm just saying, it's definitely brought up some things I didn't think would come up. I'm learning a great deal about myself and am learning what works for me and what doesn't. 

Thanks for reading :)

Day 16 of the whole 30

In the downward spiral now for this whole30 business. I'm not sure if I see results and today my reward came, my new bra, tights and exercise pants. The tights and bra are awesome but the pants are headed back to the store because they don't fit right. So I started thinking "the true test is my size 8 jeans." I grabbed them off the shelf and put them on. I cannot believe how much hang over is not present!!!! I'm so excited. They aren't stuffing me into the jeans thus making me look heavier. I am so excited. If this is the only visible outcome, I'm happy. I don't feel like I have to hide my stomach when wearing them either.

Whole30 for the win? We have 16 days to see......maybe whole 30 round two next month? Maybe I'll take a few days/week off and go back to it.....We will see!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 15: new rewards and motivation

Today's whole30 email was all about being halfway there!!! One of the thjngs they recommend is rewarding yourself for being halfway there. I did that!!! Last night, actually. I went ahead and bought some really nice exercise pants (from splits59--a company some of the Paleo folks I follow LOVE). I'm really excited about them because they look like they are going to be amazing. Soft, hug me in the rigt spots and not to mention lightweight. A lot of my exercise clothes are close to 10 years old. Which I believe is strange. I also bought a bright yellow sports bra for a different look under a black tank top. I also went ahead and rewarded myself with some cheap books off of amazon. I find all my tv shows are ending so reading will be a much better use of my time. 

Rewarding myself with something other than food is a huge thing for me. I have always rewarded myself with food. For as long as I can remember. With whole30, I am much more intentional with my food and my intake. Being more intentional and mindful about rewards is changing another mentality for me. I can take money and spend it on something I'll have for more than a few minutes, something that will expand my mind, and maybe make my butt look better! ;) (the two are not related obviously!)

So motivational Monday today means for me reward yourself with something you've wanted or had your eye on. It's funny because today's whole30 email was almost the same conversation I had with my friend yesterday who encouraged me to buy the damn pants. 

Most of you don't know this but I supported my ex for a year. Yes, it was a decision we made together but it became obvious to me recently, I have NEVER been in charge of my money for me. I have never had my own money. Since making a decent pay check, I've never seen it for more than a few minutes. But now, I get to reward myself and try to not feel guilty. And now I can reward myself with something other than food. As soon as the new exercise clothes come, I'll be sure to share a review!

Thanks for listening to my rambling!

Enjoy your day!

Get it day 15!!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Whole 30, day 14

Things are going well. Though I must say....having your period and doing whole 30 is ROUGH. I'm craving chocolate, brownies, cookies, ice cream, hot chocolate, chips, crackers.... the list goes on. So instead, I made some delicious CRISPY wings friday night and bought "roasted plantain chips" from trader joes. OH and because I'm on my period, I bought gluten free joe-joes (like oreos) from TJs for after the whole 30 (I knew they would most likely be out of stock when I'm done with this so I thought I'd get them now). Yesterday morning, I wanted something different than eggs and steak or sausage or whatever. I took it upon myself to make a version of a potato pancake (which growing up in a part Jewish home, these are something I miss a great deal). I made them with zucchini and coconut oil. I will say, they were bomb. Light, fluffy, filling, delicious on their own! 

So before I move on to how I ate out at restaurants yesterday, let me tell you how to make the crispy wings.

preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
put a wire rack over the cookie sheet.
place the wings on the rack, spread them out. 
season with salt and pepper to taste.
stick them in the oven for 30 minutes.
after 30 minutes, take them out, flip them, then season to taste again.
once the second round of 30 minutes is done, take out of the oven, remove from rack.
place in a heat proof (pyrex) bowl, drench in Tessemae's "Southwestern ranch" dressing/marinade. 
THEY WERE BOMB!  you must make them, TODAY!

As for the zucchini fritters, I just googled a recipe and you can find them very easily.

Okay so yesterday was a day spent in LA. Two meals out of the house. First was Pho! I know, I know, you must be wondering "how on earth is that whole 30 compliant?! " Well when I ordered I asked the kind server to give me no noodles and extra chicken.  PERFECT. I ate it allllll and then some.

For dinner, I couldn't resist Korean BBQ, as I was super close to my favorite place (Manna Korean BBQ in Little Tokyo). This one is easy. It's meat, period. I didn't eat the rice paper, go me! I did however eat a ton of the bulgogi (thin sliced meat) with turnip paper, which is EFFIN BOMB! I also had tea and seaweed soup. All in all, it was a food good day. :) 

It's getting easier to eat out. It's not a huge difference from my everyday but now I've totally eliminated white potatoes which is a big deal for me. I like fries, mashed potatoes, and other yummy white potato things but I don't miss it. I actually am not even sure I miss sweets (chocolate etc.) I think I just want the option to enjoy them. 

At this point, I have no idea if whole 30 is working except I look different when I look in the mirror. The reason I have no idea is if it's "working" is because I stopped weighing myself in December. I put the scale away and haven't taken it out. It's seriously not a measure so I'm just looking at my clothes and my waist but also my activity level. I don't get winded walking up stairs, I don't get tired as much in Pilates. I can do more activities at the gym and not feel like I'm going to faint. All new things for me. My Pilates instructor is super sick, so I think I'm going to attempt a class this week at the studio and one at the gym (AH). Wish me luck!

Okay friends, thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Whole 30, day 10

I cannot believe 10 days has passed. I'm still doing whole 30 and for sure yesterday, felt like I had bloated up significantly and just felt gross. Come to find out, it's almost that time of the month.

The other interesting thing that's happening is I'm definitely loosing fat. I'm starting to see a huge difference in my stomach and back. More specifically, the "back fat" that I've always had around my waist...DO you know what I'm talking about?

The biggest thing about whole 30 for me has been the goal setting. I think it really has kept me on track with my workouts and maintaining my activity level. I went from pilates twice a week, to the gym mixed in there but just cardio and now I'm lifting weights again, doing cardio and pilates twice a week. So I would call that a win!!! I'm so happy I am able to have energy to workout and work and have a life. Paleo changed my life over a year ago and now the whole 30 is restarting and resetting paleo for me.

Once the 30 days are up, I will post my before and after pictures. 20 more days and things can only improve! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 7!!!

So it is finally day 7 and things are going well!!! Yesterday I had THREE workouts. 
-30 minutes uphill /downhill with a dog in the am
-45 minutes at the gym (20 minutes of cardio and the rest arms/legs)
-1 hour uphill/downhill walk with dog

And today I just walked the dog for 45 minutes already and starting to plan my next workout. I'm also trying to get psyched for spinning tomorrow. I do have pilates tomorrow night so I'm hoping spin doesn't kill my legs/knee. We shall see! 

I will say things are good in the whole 30 world. This am, I could really go for coffee but instead I'm eating my Lara bar and drinking sparkling mineral water. I miss the taste of coffee and might try to drink it again when it's time. I bought ghee so technically I could make bullet proof coffee if I had an immersion blender.

So that's enough of my rambling. 

Day 7 and feeling fine! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Day 4

Welcome to Day 4.

I think it's going better today. I'm starting to feel a little different. While the whole30 isn't completely foreign to me, I know I have an issue with sugar and baked goods. So not having those for 4 days is new to me. I'm making better choices all around so we shall see after 30 days....

Last week before deciding to do the whole30, I had bought whole me (http://www.wholeme.com/) sampler pack and it came today. There are two bars in it and some almond crunch (similar to granola/cereal). One of the bars has chocolate in it and the other is pure dates. I decided to open the cereal and try it. It's so good! I ate breakfast but was still hungry after drinking some green tea and water so I indulged a bit. The only thing in the ingredients is honey which is not technically whole30 approved. But I can handle that. :)

So today is a simple spring break day at work and then maybe a visit to a mall. I also walked my friend's dog this am and will do that again this evening. I'm meeting my goals and haven't given up on the whole30 yet ;)

It's weird to think that last night I had dreams about donuts (Paleo donuts actually) and today's email from the whole30 was all about cravings and it mentioned food dreams. I don't typically have food dreams but I did last night. INTERESTING.....

Yesterday was hard. I woke up with a killer migraine, so much so that I was out of work. That's rough because I couldn't tell what it was from but I ate my food through out the day and it was gone by 8pm. I was so glad that my head finally stopped pounding. I'm not sure if it was from this no sugar diet or detox from coffee business but it was a big one and I haven't had a migraine in quite some time. Haven't had coffee yet today so we will see what happens there.

Well that's it from me. I'm going to attempt a spin class Saturday morning so wish me luck with that one. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Day 2 and it's a little easier

So I'm reminded frequently that this is how I normally eat and I shouldn't be getting in my own way.

The whole 30 isn't that hard as long as I get out of my own way and that's what I'm doing. I've gotten up early, went to the gym (despite being sore from a kick-ass Pilates class last night) and ate my breakfast filled with protein and good fats as well as carb dense veggies (not to mention the most delicious grapefruit I've ever eaten)! I'm feeling good. Lunch is going to be some tuna and shrimp with some veggies. I like cooking and I think my problem yesterday was my fridge was pretty empty and I felt like there just wasn't enough to eat! It is all in my mind, I know that. 

The gym was good, started the day with cardio. The physical gym was good and empty so that's nice. My trainer last night really kicked me in the butt and had me doing moves with more resistance and tension. Her favorite phrase is "now it's going to get harder" and she's never kidding!!!! Oh she kills me every time but that's why I keep going back. I never say 'can't' or 'won't' I just do it. Even if I don't think I can do it, she knows that I can and she's watched my body change and get stronger. It's expensive but it's so worth it. After my next set of lessons I might move to a semi-private class so I can have a friend with me and that will cost half of what it does now. 

okay I must head to work. More from me later, hopefully this afternoon will be as easy as this morning :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

It's day one

It's only day one and I'm already frustrated. I thought this was going to be easy considering I'm Paleo already but adding in so many more restrictions makes it hard for me to think about healthy, delicious meals. Not to mention, this probably wasn't the best week considering I'll be house sitting for a little while thus meaning not in my own kitchen. And maybe I'm over thinking. I'm trying to find whole 30 meals but not having luck, which I think is a fail on the whole 30's part. Not to mention, their website annoys me and isn't really user friendly. So now I'm just googling Paleo recipes and reading through to make them whole 30. I actually thought Pinterest would help more but it didn't. 

I'm not sure why I'm frustrated. I was able to enjoy some black coffee and had a sensible breakfast scramble with avocado and banana. I think I'm just realizing that this is going to be harder than I thought and I became complacent with my Paleo - ness. 

I just need to get over it and eat more food, I think I'm hungry.......It'll be fine and won't be that hard after a few days. What did that email say this morning? It's the transition week and I think I thought it'd be easier for me because I'm use to this lifestyle but I guess I was wrong. Planning ahead now, like for reals.