Tomorrow is already Day 7 of my Whole 30 round two! I can't believe how quickly the time has passed. I will say that I'm working out almost everyday (twice today and Monday). I have more energy already. I was able to increase the weight at the gym this morning and am lifting for longer. I haven't used fruit to kill the sugar cravings because I must be honest, I haven't had real cravings. I've cut my kombucha consumption to one a day or one every other day. (Yes, I know it's only been 7 days but that's huge for me). I had coffee this morning with MTC oil and butter. I tried it cold but I prefer it hot. It's very creamy and tastes better than coffee. The MTC oil is recommended to help the consistency and it's a dietary supplement and helps brain function (from what I've read). I'm eating veggies with every meal and just all around consuming a better variety of foods. I'm really happy with the way things are going. The emails from whole30 are the same as before but look different because I'm not accidentally consuming sugar. I haven't made any slips. Which I think is a huge feat! I'm very proud of that fact!
Some don't think this is a sustainable lifestyle but I think it's interesting and something that I would consider trying to keep up (within reason and not get too obsessed with it). I'm curious about the changes the next 3 weeks will bring. I do have to say, I plan on stopping before the 30 days is actually up. My birthday and vacation is coming up at the end of the month so I'd like to partake in gluten free treats and some various yummy things. I will probably do it again after that for July then not again until the start of school. We shall see. I think I can keep up most of it but I have to indulge for my birthday. It's only fair ;)
Thanks for reading my latest update!
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