I am on day 15 of the whole 30 challenge!!! HALF WAY! I can't believe I'm halfway through and I haven't had any major issues or complaints (besides a bum finger--which I'll get to...). I must say this past week, eating was hard. I didn't feel like doing it for the most part. Just was ambivalent to food-- which is weird for me. But I was. It was a few days and I think maybe it was due to having my cycle. I also have to say I did not cave and get Jeni's grass fed ice cream. I saw it in the store and almost went for it!!! But I opted not to. Another first for me. When I have my period, I typically want chocolate or ice cream or baked goods but this time I didn't succumb to it! I was very proud of myself. In the 20 years I've had my period this was a first! (Yes, it's been 20 years). That was a huge accomplishment! Now onto other matters. I go on vacation soon and I am contemplating stopping the whole30 a good 5 days early. Part of me doesn't want to and wants to keep going but the other part of me really wants to cut it so I can enjoy some chocolate on my birthday or some fries or something. But I can't figure out if that's my socialization and environment or if I really feel like a birthday deserves it (haha). I did want a g-free cupcake but now I think I could settle for some chocolate, goooooood chocolate. I guess I'll determine that while I'm away. I'm very much looking forward to it but it's also a point of contention in my mind because I want to not stop my whole 30 journey because I'm enjoying it this time but I feel like San Francisco needs to be enjoyed through food too......oh so much to think about.
Now to my injury.... I dropped a barbell on my left index finger when re-racking my barbell on Tuesday. Yup 40 lbs on my poor left finger. It got stuck. I underestimated the distance from my finger and the stopper. It hurt and still hurts!!!!!! It's a nice black and blue under the nail and still puffy despite icing. That being said, I had Pilates last night. I would say I did rather well for having an injury. It was great to be back in the studio. I just wish I had the use of all 10 digits. Today I'm typing this with just 9 fingers; it is a difficult task, might I add but I'm getting use to it.
My energy level has been lacking this week I think because of my injury and my period but all in all, I feel good. I even got my mother to cut sugar and gluten and processed foods!!!! I'll write a whole post about her later. But for today, I feel great and I'm hoping to get some exercise in later today. Just a bit, gotta keep moving. On to breakfast!!! Enjoy your day lovelies! Be happy, healthy and well!
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