Sunday, June 22, 2014

Ended whole30 a week early.

It's vacation! I started yesterday morning with trying some "fluffy blueberry pancakes" from The Paleo Kitchen. Let me tell you that cookbook is BEAUTIFUL. The pancakes were great but my stomach hated them. I was immediately in the bathroom. Twenty-three days of no sugar and no baked goods, those pancakes weren't a good choice ;)

Last night I also had a stomach issue. Went out to dinner (joint birthday/going away for a friend) and started eating...again immediately in the bathroom. I had grilled chicken with pineapple and onions with some regular fries. I think the fries did me in. Then we got a free dessert due to my birthday. Bacon brownie......honestly, who could say no? Not me. I ate some. This morning another issue.

I tell you these instances to say, I have to stick to the way I was eating for 23 days. It seems that my system can't take anything else. I'm okay with this. I like eating that way. It's hard for other people to understand but I'm liking it. I'd rather feel good all the time than feeling hungover (which I do this morning from the gluten, sugar, and dairy) and running to the bathroom every so often. 

So whole30 seems to have changed my world. I am enjoying it this time around and am going to attempt to continue it during vacation but as I told my friend in NY, I'm going to be good to myself, not beat myself up and enjoy my vacation while still trying to eat whole.

Thanks for reading my rant about my poor tummy and my after vacation choice.

Be happy, healthy, and well.

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