Sunday, March 30, 2014

Whole 30, day 14

Things are going well. Though I must say....having your period and doing whole 30 is ROUGH. I'm craving chocolate, brownies, cookies, ice cream, hot chocolate, chips, crackers.... the list goes on. So instead, I made some delicious CRISPY wings friday night and bought "roasted plantain chips" from trader joes. OH and because I'm on my period, I bought gluten free joe-joes (like oreos) from TJs for after the whole 30 (I knew they would most likely be out of stock when I'm done with this so I thought I'd get them now). Yesterday morning, I wanted something different than eggs and steak or sausage or whatever. I took it upon myself to make a version of a potato pancake (which growing up in a part Jewish home, these are something I miss a great deal). I made them with zucchini and coconut oil. I will say, they were bomb. Light, fluffy, filling, delicious on their own! 

So before I move on to how I ate out at restaurants yesterday, let me tell you how to make the crispy wings.

preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
put a wire rack over the cookie sheet.
place the wings on the rack, spread them out. 
season with salt and pepper to taste.
stick them in the oven for 30 minutes.
after 30 minutes, take them out, flip them, then season to taste again.
once the second round of 30 minutes is done, take out of the oven, remove from rack.
place in a heat proof (pyrex) bowl, drench in Tessemae's "Southwestern ranch" dressing/marinade. 
THEY WERE BOMB!  you must make them, TODAY!

As for the zucchini fritters, I just googled a recipe and you can find them very easily.

Okay so yesterday was a day spent in LA. Two meals out of the house. First was Pho! I know, I know, you must be wondering "how on earth is that whole 30 compliant?! " Well when I ordered I asked the kind server to give me no noodles and extra chicken.  PERFECT. I ate it allllll and then some.

For dinner, I couldn't resist Korean BBQ, as I was super close to my favorite place (Manna Korean BBQ in Little Tokyo). This one is easy. It's meat, period. I didn't eat the rice paper, go me! I did however eat a ton of the bulgogi (thin sliced meat) with turnip paper, which is EFFIN BOMB! I also had tea and seaweed soup. All in all, it was a food good day. :) 

It's getting easier to eat out. It's not a huge difference from my everyday but now I've totally eliminated white potatoes which is a big deal for me. I like fries, mashed potatoes, and other yummy white potato things but I don't miss it. I actually am not even sure I miss sweets (chocolate etc.) I think I just want the option to enjoy them. 

At this point, I have no idea if whole 30 is working except I look different when I look in the mirror. The reason I have no idea is if it's "working" is because I stopped weighing myself in December. I put the scale away and haven't taken it out. It's seriously not a measure so I'm just looking at my clothes and my waist but also my activity level. I don't get winded walking up stairs, I don't get tired as much in Pilates. I can do more activities at the gym and not feel like I'm going to faint. All new things for me. My Pilates instructor is super sick, so I think I'm going to attempt a class this week at the studio and one at the gym (AH). Wish me luck!

Okay friends, thanks for reading! 

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