As I gear up for the new year, I'm also gearing up for another whole30. I'm getting more nervous but also excited to see some results and push my body to the limit. After a year of pilates, I was able to move to a consistent schedule of twice a week and my trainer has started to push me beyond where I was despite a month set back (I was doing mat pilates and messed my back up because I wasn't being supervised by the instructor). I'm at the point with my workouts that I've recently been thinking about giving Pure Barre a shot. The struggle with that is my work schedule and how far it is from my apartment. But I'm definitely trying to figure out if I want to do more physically and my work schedule doesn't really allow for many commitments other pilates but maybe this is an excuse. More thinking on Pure Barre to come....I'll let ya know where I land.
As I think back on 2014 and my journey in my second full year as a Paleo, I'm reflecting on how easy it was to be Paleo with no problem. I constantly think about how easy it is to ignore food like gluten pizza, brownies, breaded and fried foods, or even "regular" bread. It's amazing to me that I can so easily spot things that will make me bloat, cause severe stomachaches or even create the dreaded "sick" tummy. In January, I will begin the 3rd year of my journey and I can't believe how far I've come. Last night, I was with a friend who I've only recently gotten to know really well (recently meaning the past year). She hadn't know me in my pre-gluten free days and we started talking about how I got into my lifestyle. I showed pictures from 2007, pictured somewhere in this blog, and she couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that the picture was me. We scrolled through a few and she was shocked. I'm still surprised that its me sometimes. I can't believe I haven't always been g-free and Paleo. For the first time in my life someone was calling me "fit" and "active" and I believed her. It was a surreal feeling to be called words that I don't use to describe myself. It's hard for me to get past the distorted view of myself I see in the mirror but I'm starting to see my body the way others see it and apparently that's "fit", "tiny" and "healthy". Who knew? I didn't start Paleo 2 full years ago with the intention of loving it. I really started it because my ex wanted to and I wanted to support her journey and here we are two full years later! I'm still in love with my lifestyle and still loving all the benefits.
People always ask me if I miss anything.....yea I guess I do but honestly, I don't remember what's to miss. The stomachache? The bloat? The acne? The fuzzy-head? The brain farts? All for a slice of Italian NY pizza? Nah. I'm good. Since really living my life this way, I can smell things better than most people and most smells satisfy cravings. The true test will be when I'm in NYC in June and NYC pizza is in front of me. I might take a bite but not eat a whole slice. It's too easy to remember how my body feels when I eat certain things. For example, I am so deep in this lifestyle I can recognize how my body reacts to certain veggies. Broccoli is an example of this. If I eat it, I bloat and get super gassy and experience super sharp stomach pains. Most people thing broccoli is good for you but not for me. Corn is something I have almost totally eliminated from my diet too. Corn is not the most easily digested food but it immediately bloats me and causes sharp pains in my tummy so I try to not eat it. Corn tortillas are another story. I will indulge in those once and awhile. But it's taken me two full years to recognize these things. It's awesome and I feel so empowered by knowing what my body needs to feel good and what it can't take. And that's what this next whole 30 journey is about. Recognizing the symptoms and listening to my body more. I'm excited about taking it with friends and my love and seeing where we land!
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