Monday, April 7, 2014

The Home Stretch!

One more week. 3 weeks are behind us and I can't believe that it's almost done! I am so excited. I think if I were to do this again, I'd make almond milk earlier and make chia seed pudding more often ;) I think despite the fact that this "diet" or Paleo on steroids as it's been described so often by many people, I have learned more about myself and my body. I need to be more active and not so reliant on Pilates and walks. I think the weight lifting and strength training aren't bulking me up but helping me to burn more fat. I'm also eating more veggies, which is weird because I use to rely on just meat. This weekend I ate more veggies than proteins and was totally happy. I have goals and I think the whole 30 will help me reach them more quickly in combination with working out.

In terms of my goals, I met one and I'm okay with that. My biggest goal was to be active for 45 minutes for 5 days a week, and being active could take any form...walking, gym, Pilates, whatever!!! I'm very proud of that one and I don't want to loose that as I come up on the 30 days.

It's also been great to have someone here in California doing the whole 30 but also a friend in NYC. We talk every day and keep each other accountable. We share recipes and "little wins" (!) like not minding the sweets that placed in front of us at a meeting or not snacking as much. We are in this together and that feels great! 

All I can say is my attitude is different from 3 weeks ago and I'm happy about that. It's been an evolution for me and I won't say I'll never do the whole 30 again because it might have to happen just to see what more changes I can inflict upon myself haha.

Happy Monday!

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