Sunday, April 28, 2013


When it comes time to travel as a Paleo, it's hard because you have to plan ahead; especially if you are driving out into the middle of no where California on a bus with students. I packed my food which served to be a great idea despite the looks haha.

I packed : 2 apples, 4 clementines, 3 pieces of dark chocolate, turkey jerky, mango slices, avocado, sautéed veggies and sweet potatoes, almond bitter, roasted almonds and 5 meatballs. And I will say I ate most of it!

It is so hard to know that I was going to be so far away from home with only fast food as choices to eat. But I made it through with some planning, a supportive wife, and the best Tupperware I could find!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Energy and recommitting

Since recommitting to Paleo my energy level has gone through the roof. I think part of my sluggish feeling was the allowing certain things into my system that weren't Paleo but gluten free. Now that I haven't indulged in Yogurtland, Zpizza or gluten free bread in the d-hall, hot cookies from the d-hall or any other non-Paleo indulgence  I have had a boost in energy! I feel like I did at the beginning of this adventure and I'm thankful for that. For instance, for a few weeks it has been IMPOSSIBLE for me to get out of bed in the morning. I was unwilling to admit to myself that it was because of the various cheat foods I was allowing myself each and every day but now I clearly see that's true. This morning I popped out of bed around 6:30, gave Stella a walk, went and got coffee, and made breakfast AND was early to work! I feel better.

I still can't believe how closely tied food and energy is. I find it interesting that last night, I was Facetiming with a close friend and was able to consider walking Stella at 8:30pm. I firmly believe it's the recommitting to Paleo that has provided me this burst of new energy. I'm feeling good and hoping that I'm on the right track again with my Paleo lifestyle. 

I will continue my journey and continue the adventure because there are only a few weeks left of dining hall food which means, COOKING! I'm so excited for cooking. I want to experiment with bone broth and various Paleo recipes! I'm beyond excited that I can barely control myself!!!!

I have also been tracking my weight (because I'm on my period) and it's so interesting to see how weight fluctuates while one is on their period. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Periods and Paleo

What sucks when I have my period is I am craving, like nothing else, is brownies. From the box, Betty Crocker brownies. Not paleo brownies. I'm hardcore desiring and craving these bad boys. It sucks too because I, A. Can't have them because of the gluten And B. can't go get them ... Sad!!!!!!

I'm going to try and figure out good paleo period treats so I can eat some things that are sweet and satisfy cravings.

Periods suck

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Tums, antacids, miralax

These are all drugs that we've had in our house for various issues.

Tums for upset stomachs, antacids for acid reflux (which Eb suffered from at least twice a week), and miralax because I couldn't relieve my bowel without hurting myself. 3 months and all of thse things are no longer in use. Except Eboni occasionally needs to take an antacid because as she has gotten less strict about Paleo eating, she's gotten some aic reflux again. If this doesn't tell you anything about Paleo's benefits, I don't know what would?!

I no longer have to use miralax to soften my stool so I don't hurt myself and I no longer have to ingest tums because my stomach is hurting due to something I ate. I am confident that the foods we eat are attached to the drugs we take.

I saw a commercial for tums and the tag line was "for when your favorite foods don't agree with you" and it was a woman eating a fast food burger. Of course her stomach is hurting! She's not eating real food, she's eating fast food. I understand that fast food could be all some people afford, I get it. I also understand sometimes it's just easier but I know for a fact now, that the food we eat, is very much connected to our needing to use drugs or not.

And now that we've recommitted to our Paleo lifestyle, I'm looking forward to all the benefits Paleo has to offer us. And that's a beautiful thing!

Paleo 2.0 starts today!

Today marks 3 months since we started Paleo! Exciting! And today we recommit to the lifestyle. No more excuses, exceptions, "but I just..." Recommitting and new goals in place! It's easy to make excuses especially living on a college campus. Not only do we have the dining hall but everything here revolves around food (which in itself is interesting because we are a women's college and I can't tell you how many disordered eating/eating disorder cases we have--but that's neither here not there). I find myself allowing myself to "cheat" or bend more than I should (maybe more than the 20 out of the 80/20 rule) and then it's a downward spiral and upward crawl on the scale.

True, eating this way isn't about the scale but that is a nice side effect. ;) I can't tell you the number of compliments I've gotten this week and I think the compliments are HELPING me recommit.

I also am interested in reading more about the things I love (Asian food, rice, gluten free bread) because I know about the things I no longer crave so helping myself understand about the things I love/crave might help me stay clear.

So we recommit today and it feels good. I do have some goals and maybe ill share them here...

Get back to lifting.
Loose another 10lbs of fat (I know muscle weighs more than fat) and get into size 8.
Start walking for an hour 3 days a week again.
Start the 30 squat challenge again after this one.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lil Paleo vs Gluten free lady

Yesterday was a gluten free day and not so Paleo. Which has me totally messed up today. I feel bloated and sluggish. So no more, "it's gluten free!" I have to be strict again. I have the most energy when I'm strict Paleo. It's just hard to stick so closely to Paleo when there are so many delicious NON-Paleo items in the dining hall.

It was brought to my attention that tomorrow is marks 3 months as Paleo. In 3 months, I've lost 11lbs, gained increased energy and normal bowel movements (which might not be a big deal to anyone but me or anyone that struggles with digestion). It truly has been a remarkable 3 months and tomorrow we get strict again.

Now is the time!!!! Yayaya Paleo!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Delicious Paleo meal

Today I made shrimp, cauliflower "rice", peppers and mango. Perfect Sunday afternoon lunch! I'm so excited to have the summer come because I have more control over my food intake. The truth is my favorite food is Asian food and its a problem because it is not Paleo friendly. So I'm looking forward to playing with different recipes.

Today's was easy, all sautéed in butter and sea salt and pepper. I think this summer I will get some new spices to try out with my various recipes.


Paleo 80/20 Rule

I was reading on a Facebook page of some Paleo person that there is this Paleo 80/20 rule. I didn't actually know it was a thing so I did a google search and turns out it is! Yayaya! I feel so much better knowing there are people who follow this 80/20 rule because it makes me feel better about myself and my leant ways sometimes.

Based on the Facebook poll that the page I liked had up, it seems most people favor 80/20 or 90/10. There is a difference between primal and paleo but I think we fall into the in between of the two. Today I'm 95% paleo. :)

Just an interesting little bit of info I found.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Defending Paleo by paleo parents

This link is from #paleoparents blog. They are defending the various versions and varying levels of Paleo we all have in our lives. I really like it because it simply is putting into perspective what paleo is and is not. Take a minute and read it over.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Paleo: Fad or Fact?

I'm getting frustrated with people who think Paleo is a fad and think that it's a diet in the traditional, weight lose sense. I will admit though that a few years ago I heard "Paleo this, Paleo that" and thought it was like South Beach and fake but as I researched and became educated on the subject, I realized it's not a fad. In fact, it's just the opposite. It's like the real food movement and really encourages it's followers to eat real,w hole, good food. Not processed crap unlike South Beach, Weight Watchers or even Jenny Craig. Make your food, know whats going into it, eliminate certain foods and enjoy healthy options. I don't see the issue? I also don't really know why people think it's a fad. If someone wants to follow Paleo to loose weight, that's their business but the reason they are loosing weight is because the food is good for you. It's not manufactured and filled with fillers. It's real food so of course a result of eating like this will be weight loss!!!

I love this link and the video is an awesome interview with @PaleoParents Paleo diet: Healthy or Hoax? The woman has a lot to say that makes sense about how elimination won't hurt you and if you don't like it, stop. Elimination of processed foods is not bad. The things I use to put in my mouth, now astound me! Diet coke with lunch and dinner, low fat or fat free foods (like weight watchers processed foods, certain candy, splenda {though it's said to be natural} so many other things I can't really think of but I would eat them without thinking.

I was telling Eb over the weekend, I use to eat Pancakes and love them, they were so good, a complete pleasure. Until I was done, then I'd be in the bathroom doubled over. I never really thought, "oh pancakes = gluten." Even the gastro I saw 2 years ago thought it was lack of fiber, lack of water, lack of this, lack of that, he prescribed pills to keep my muscles from contracting and making me pass out. I haven't taken those pills in 4 months. I'm a regular human now! It's amazing. I don't fear eating something because I know what I'm allergic to, I know what I should eat and what I shouldn't. I know that certain things have very bad effects. I can eat a cookie and have a slight stomachache but not doubled over in pain. I know I can't eat pizza unless it's gluten free because it freaks my stomach out. I know bread, refined sugar combined with gluten is a no no for me.

I think the best part of Paleo is figuring out what works for you and sticking it to. This summer we are going to try the 21 day sugar detox because it's just another added layer. It'll be hard but at least it'll be summer for me and we're cooking for just us! :D

Feeling good but really want to up my game here. Walking is still happening daily but weight lifting has fallen off my plate due to being a little sleepier in the morning. But I have been doing my squats which don't require the gym. I also have a kettle bell and I might starting using that 3-4 days a week (if Stella will let me). Sometimes I want to weight lift her so she'll let me work out haha.

That's enough of my ranting.

Be well, my friends.

Reaching goals

I didn't know it was possible to each my goal of loosing 10lbs but I did it. The picture in this post is my torso now. It's amazing how 10lbs on my frame really makes a difference. My next goal is 5 more lbs and a 2 piece bathing suit, not my tankini (which I love).

Next on our challenge list is the 21 day sugar detox. I think we are going to try that one this summer when we are the ones cooking 3 meals a day.

I'm on day 9 of the 30 day squat challenge and so far so good I guess. I'm going it and liking it, despite the burning in my legs (good sign).

Ah so life is life and paleo is doing wonders for us. Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

To cheat or not to cheat, that is the question

If I cheat, I usually enjoy some sort of gluten free something, gluten free pizza or bread and then I keep doing it, forgetting that my life is not G-free, its Paleo. It's very easy to fall back into bad habits. This past week, I had g-free toast 3 days and g-free pizza. NOT A GOOD IDEA. Primal, Paleo eaters wouldn't eat that stuff so why am I? Because I love that sort of thing. Today I start over again. Attempting to give up coffee and g-free processed foods. Going Paleo hardcore again. No more cheating because it makes me feel gross.

The arguments we've heard are, cheating makes it sustainable but one cheat makes it easier for me to cheat on the whole. And I've been not so strict in the past 4 weeks. Back to it. Right now. The summer will be easier because we will only be making and eating whats at the house.

Here's to getting strict all over again.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Salad Culture

I will never understand "salad culture" and why women specifically feel like other women eat salad and only salad. Let me tell you why I'm writing about this particular topic today of all days. We had a meeting with some folks from off campus and they decided to serve us salad. SALAD. I haven't had salad as a meal in months. Not to mention the way to loose weight is not to eat salad, for me at least. After I ate my salad, which had cheese and dressing ( :\ ) I had trail mix, bad choice folks. I'm not meant to eat that stuff, it is not Paleo.  Not to mention I ate "lunch" at 12ish and it's 3:15 and I'm hungry. Again. Why? because salad cannot sustain me. I find it so interesting that culture that involves women, is surrounded by salad and being good or bad.

The good/bad debate came up yesterday and I realized E and I were talking about being good vs. bad and this is language I've only heard women use. Food is so gendered and what you should/shouldn't/can/can't eat is very much tied to how you are socialized to view food and your body. So here I sit, waiting to go into a meeting, on my phone, thinking "God, I'm hungry" because I didn't loose 10 lbs by eating salad, that approach has never worked for me. Fitting into this dress did not happen by eating salad. Eating good fat, got rid of the excess fat, eating whole foods got rid of excess, eating lean meat and enjoying full fats got me here. So I'm now contemplating how we get anywhere and how we perceive our good/badness and how men don't really focus on what their eating as much as women do and I don't believe, and please correct me if I'm wrong, men don't use the good/bad language. (I don't hang out with many men out here in Southern California so I don't know). 

It's a mental shift when it comes to talking about food and how I eat because truth is I eat better than most. Except today, today I had a set back for sure but I'll pay for it later I'm sure. 

Thanks for reading!

Finally seeing the fruits of my labor

I bought a blue lace-overlay dress in October and it was tight around my ribs. So much so I could only sit straight up and down and couldn't really breathe! I decided to put that dress on today for the external review and it fit!!! And was big in the chest area (not so much so that I couldn't wear it) but it zipped without an issue. I love seeing the fruit of all my hard work. Feeling very grateful and thankful for all I've been doing.

It's possible to overhaul your body in only 2 months. Amazing

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Finally the lowest weight I've been in eight years !!! As I've mentioned before my goal was 145 and that's finally a reality!! I feel wonderful about this news because its finally noticeable to others and everything I own fits better and differently. I can't wait to see if I can hit my new goal of 140. I know it's not much more but maybe after I meet that goal I will attempt to loose more.

Thanks for the support and encouragement! I will blog about food and exercise soon. Work is very busy but didn't want to not blog.

Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 1, 2013


Stupid commercial. It's a commercial for women about not eating a "higher calorie" snack like sugar cookies but instead choosing yoplait low fat yogurt. I hate to break it to you people but that low fat yogurt is made with artificial and lab made products. It isn't real. Instead the commercial should stress the need to eat real food. It's so frustrating that they are stressing a lower calorie snack that might cause cancer. Aspartame is bad and that yogurt has it all up in there. Lower calorie man-made is not best. It's so frustrating that the commercial is targeting women too. I think being Paleo is making me far more aware of my identity as a consumer. I have a right to know what's in my food and I have a right to know where my food comes from. I don't always follow this, true. I do sometimes eat something manufactured and by no means judge those who are eating whatever it is they choose to eat but I'm saying this commercial is frustrating because I'd rather eat the cookie (because it could be a vegan/Paleo/Gluten free or some other combo) which is better for me than that yogurt.

Just my two cents.

Haven't blogged in awhile

Paleo is going well for us still. Eboni is kinda over it because the dining halls have gotten very boring. I am still in it to win it haha. It is boring sometimes but I am so excited for the summer! 

I started a Pintrest last week so I'm starting to pin recipes and saving recipes in my gmail account so this summer photos and recipes will come as well!

I started my 30 day Squat Challenge today. I'm including it below in case anyone wants to do it:

30 squat challenge 

Day 1: 50
Day 2: 55
Day 3: 60
Day 4: rest
Day 5: 70
Day 6: 75
Day 7: 80
Day8: rest
Day 9: 100
Day 10: 105
Day 11: 110
Day 12: rest
Day 13: 130
Day 14: 135
Day 15: 140
Day 16: rest
Day 17: 150
Day 18: 155
Day 19: 160
Day 20: rest
Day 21: 180
Day 22: 185
Day 23: 190
Day 24: rest
Day 25: 220
Day 26: 225
Day 27: 230
Day 28: rest
Day 29: 240
Day 30: 250