Tuesday, February 26, 2013

To run or not to run, that is the question!

Had a combo with a student today who said "I need to learn to run" and her comment spurred this posting. I have read a few articles and heard some podcasts about walking versus running and there are split reviews (much like free weights and weight machines). But I have read that you burn calories only for the time you are doing cardio. So in my opinion, why run? If I burn more calories weight lifting and walking, why kill my knees and joints?

Running is not something our ancestors did and it's not something children do. Well they run but not marathons. I hate the treadmill so folks who can run on a treadmill are awesome in my book but is rather a brisk walk with Stella or E or a friend. Cardio is something that you need to decide for yourself but at the end of the day it's a debate being had in the Paleo community, therefore, it is relevant to me and my blogging.

So do you run? Do you walk? I'd love to hear from you!

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