Great article a friend of mine sent me today:
The truth is I think most people suffer from gluten intolerance and just don't know it. I'm much better off, not consuming gluten and people think I'm weird but my reality is I'm sick if I'm eating it.
Valentine's day is a perfect example. I tried to consume some bread and I was sick the rest of the night. This was unheard of for me a few years ago because I never knew that I was so sensitive to gluten. now I know. I cannot consume gluten.
I use to think I was lactose intolerant too but I heard today in a Podcast its probably more a gluten issue. The gluten was building up in my system and taking the space that the lactose needed in order to digest. This is very interesting to me and makes sense because I can have whole fat dairy now and it's not a problem.
I'm just happy that my system seems to be more well balanced.
I'm happy to report that I did not partake in the hot chocolate drink today. I refrained but I did have 3 small pieces of dark chocolate. :\
Ah such is life. Give and take, making choices. But feeling good!
Glad Stella and I got in a 45 minute walk today before the rain hit.
Going to do some more research about Paleo and weight loss and see what I discover.
great article about weight loss and Paleo:
I love this one:
Fun fact: (taken from the above article) if you are running for 20 minutes you will burn calories for those 20 minutes but if you are working out your muscles you are burning calories all day! I didn't know this but this gives me an excuse to lift longer and stronger.
For now, feel good and eat well folks!
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