Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Great Debate

Today during a meeting it was debated what you can and cannot eat while on Paleo. There are many versions of this diet. I use the word diet loosly. For me, this is NOT a diet. It's a lifestyle change but for others it's a challenge, for some it's a quick fix or whatever. 

The debate was around what you can and can't eat and who is right and who is wrong. The reality of the situation is you need to figure out what works for you and what are your motives for being Paleo. Additionally, you must do your homework and not listen to others. For me I have listened to PodCasts, read blogs, read Dos and Don'ts. I've listened to friends who are Paleo they have recommended some blogs and books. 

The first question is you ask is "what is Paleo" 

As reviewed by WebMD, quite a few blogs, and books:
What you can eat:
meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, vegetables, roots, fruits, berries (roots are debated and so are nuts in general--I do eat some beets and almonds every now and then but try to not make it a habit)

Things you can't eat:
diary, grains, sugar, legumes, white potatoes, processed oils (vegetable oil) 

People with sweet tooths (much like myself) munch on raw honey or coconut palm sugar --in moderation

The point is Paleo is flexible. There isn't one correct way to do it. Some plans allow flexiblity like adding some processed oils from fruits and nuts such as olive oil and flaxseed oil. Which is good because I eat what the dining hall makes and I'm sure I'm injesting olive oil.

The point is that we need to eat WHOLE foods and foods that are good for us rather than low carb, low sugar processed crab. That stuff will not make us live longer.


This link is about crossfit and Paleo. Some crossfitters say don't use butter, others say do. Read for yourself

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