Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I love my shoes. As the website said, they worked muscles I didn't know I had! It is as if you are barefoot, hence barefoot and walking around barefoot takes a lot of energy and work! Downfall, they gave me blisters ACROSS the TOPS of my toes! HAHAHA I didn't know that was possible. But I'd rather the blisters be there than on the sides of my toes. 

Stella and I only did 45 minutes because my toe just kept bleeding into the shoe. I plan on bandaging my toes tomorrow so I can walk longer. The shoes are worth it though! I really love them and can't wait to see what else they can do :)

In other news, Paleo eating is going alright. We purchased a ton of grass-fed meat yesterday via Tropical Traditions (it's a website) which E was skeptical about at first but I'm excited about the idea. I will post pics when the meat comes in. We are stocking up for the summer so we don't have to deal with shopping so much. I'd rather know we are good than have to worry later, ya know? And it's grass-fed premium meat.

If you are interested in any Facebook pages: Just Eat Real Food is really good and that's where I found Tropical Traditions. We ended up buying bison, chicken and filet. I'll keep you posted on the final product when it comes.

Stay human folks!

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