Monday, March 11, 2013


I'm finding it hard to dig deep for the desire to lift in the past 7 days. It's been hard to want to get up and go to the gym to lift after walking Stella for an hour. I wonder if it's because I had my period last week and I am exhausted (not the exhausted from food, just sleepy, run down, over-worked kind of tired). My eating has been lacking a little. I'm less strict than I was at the beginning and I keep telling myself I will get stricter but I just feel like I'm good. I eat my protein and my veggies and my fat but I have allowed rice more often than I should. I just know rice is a weakness for me. I love it. (also while I'm writing this I'm enjoying a smoothie made with fresh juice and some pineapple sherbet--not Paleo--but it's so good!) so I know I'm slacking.

I'm not starting from the beginning but I do need to get stricter and really be more conscious of the food intake (in terms of rice). It's a process party people. Paleo is a lifestyle and something that I have to work on daily. I'm okay with this. I may try the whole 30 and see how that goes but for now, I'm loving my Paleo life and how I look and feel. 

So for now, I'm slacking but I'll get back on track. Eventually.  :) for now, I'm loving my life and living my life.

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