My tip for today:
Quit being so gosh darn afraid of fat. By keeping your body running on carbs instead of healthy fats (found in meat, avocados, flaxseed, fish, grass fed butter, etc) you are helping your body. Grain Brain has taught me so much and I think the most interesting thing so far is that cholesterol is good for your brain. It acts as a protectant and because the brain is mostly fat, depriving your body of fat deprives your brain. Think about it....
The food that is making you fat is "diet" food. It's processed, it's loaded with chemicals and things that aren't even food. Go ahead, I dare you to go to your cabinets and look at the shelves. Is it stocked with healthy food? Can you pronounce each ingredient? My cabinets have a few things in them that I probably shouldn't be consuming and I own that. But I'm not afraid of avocado or grass fed butter or a steak.
It's funny to me to think back to my growing up and the meals I would be served and the misconceptions I had about food. I still think it's funny when people look at me with a side eye when they see my plate filled with meat, fish, fruit, veggies. It makes me giggle when I ask for whole milk for my coffee at a restaurant and I get a look. Actually, a little side note, when I was traveling back east on Christmas Eve, I was at a coffee stand in DC and I asked for a latte and the guy said "skim milk, right?" and I quickly responded "Nope, I want the whole fat milk, thanks". This is an example of how people assume, A. because I'm a woman, I'm "watching my weight" and therefore, only desire skim milk B. skim milk is the healthy option.
I didn't loose 25 pounds and 3 dress sizes by consuming salad, skim milk, and margarine. I did it eating grass fed butter, red meat, chicken, veggies, whole milk and other "bad" food items. I cut out the processed foods and stick to foods I can pronounce. I do eat candy and other processed items once and awhile. Don't get me wrong. I bought a delicious pint of ice cream the other day. I can pronounce all the ingredients and there isn't any hidden gluten, that I can find. And it's made local. That to me is a 80-20 moment and a win for my Paleo body. If I can find things that are local, whole fat and delicious as a treat, I will do it. I often weigh my options. As you've seen, I think about "is it worth the stomach ache or not?" This ice cream is worth the gas!
But I'm not a perfectionist, I'm not advocating for 100% Paleo because it's hard. But almost a year later, I know what's working for me and I'm sticking to it. My body is getting toned and lean. I'm not afraid of fat and I'm not afraid of looking a server in the face and asking for what makes my body tick. I challenge you to attempt to look fat in the face and throw carbs out the window. You don't need carbs to run. Fuel is the good whole food we can eat. Yes it may seem expensive but you can do it on a budget. Eating real food is the best thing you can do for your body.
If you can remove gluten/carbs from one meal today, I'd say that's a win! You can do it. If you're still hungry, load up on the meat and fat. You won't regret it. Work up to two meals a day. Then finally three. You can do this.
Be healthy and well.
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