Monday, April 1, 2013


Stupid commercial. It's a commercial for women about not eating a "higher calorie" snack like sugar cookies but instead choosing yoplait low fat yogurt. I hate to break it to you people but that low fat yogurt is made with artificial and lab made products. It isn't real. Instead the commercial should stress the need to eat real food. It's so frustrating that they are stressing a lower calorie snack that might cause cancer. Aspartame is bad and that yogurt has it all up in there. Lower calorie man-made is not best. It's so frustrating that the commercial is targeting women too. I think being Paleo is making me far more aware of my identity as a consumer. I have a right to know what's in my food and I have a right to know where my food comes from. I don't always follow this, true. I do sometimes eat something manufactured and by no means judge those who are eating whatever it is they choose to eat but I'm saying this commercial is frustrating because I'd rather eat the cookie (because it could be a vegan/Paleo/Gluten free or some other combo) which is better for me than that yogurt.

Just my two cents.

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