Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Are you a coffee drinker?

Someone asked me today "are you a coffee drink?" and I literally paused and said "no, tea." This girl has been coffee free for 18 days! But what does that REALLY mean? I do drink caffeine in the form of mate and Rebbl (see previous post!) and herbal teas containing caffeine. I am so happy to be coffee free. Though it's weird, I think it makes a huge difference, like I've said in previous posts.

Another huge difference is the way I workout. So as some people may know, I stopped working out almost altogether in February. Some would say it was my funk but I think I was at a moment where I needed more. And for the past week, I've been doing more. I've done a lot of what I learned in Barre, at home and combined some heavy weight lifting and A LOT of walking. I'm easing myself back into my fitness as to not hurt my back and to just do what I can/when I can.

I'm feeling pretty great about my choices lately and not beating myself up for anything that isn't deserving of my time. I'm not stressing about my body looking different because my mind is feeling great. I'll get to where ever I want to be and there is no need to rush or stress.

Taking one day at a time and really trying to break some of the addictions to food/drinks I have :)

Take a deep breath and exhale the peace of knowing you are just where you are suppose to be.

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