Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ramblings of me....

I'm officially starting the whole 30 on Monday. I wasn't ready yesterday and decided to go out for wings with friends and indulged on a cider and some ranch dressing and fries.... :D And I thought I was going to kick my coffee habit for brewed mate but I found out it has stevia in it! So I'm indulging in a coffee and almond milk. MEH. Most people would say I've "failed" at the whole 30 but I'm not seeing it that way. Rather I'm seeing it as my head isn't all the way in it so I have to cleanse my brain some more before embarking on this 30 day journey. Part of me doesn't actually want to do it at all but I know I should....But what are my reasons? Is it because so many people I know are doing it? Is it because I know I feel better when I do it? Is it because I remember what my body, skin, hair looked like and how my body felt? Yes, that's the reason. I remember how great I felt and I'm going to start Monday with my head really in it. For me this time. Not because everyone is doing it but because I want to feel the amazing side effects. Tomorrow I will spend the day and finish cleaning out the kitchen and clean my apartment.

My three goals include working out 4-5 times a week AND kicking this coffee habit. I did it way back in the summer but now I don't remember how. I also did a whole 30 and was quick successful but again, can't remember HOW exactly I did it. Other than getting my head in the game, which for some reason it is not this time around.

My three goals for this journey were kind of easy to set but I think I have another challenge for longer than the 30 days. I'm challenging myself to take the money I would've spent on cold brew and stick it in my savings each week. That'll be a nice little nugget of change :D

Updates on the workout front:

I did Pilates this morning and my body is screaming. I can honestly say for the first time in a long time, my body is really sore from two really intense workouts. I think I'm feeling some changes and will see some nice results if I can stick to it. It feels good to add in my pilates. My instructor is my favorite and nothing could ever top my workouts at the studio. Pilates is my first love and I'm truly thankful my therapist suggested I try it out.

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