Hello again. I love that I've gotten back into writing. It's been a long time coming and since I'm making some changes, I figure I can start writing about them. So I'm three weeks into my new cleansing of my face and I couldn't be happier. It's been funny to see how I have yet to break out on my face. I've had a clear face for 3 weeks. But my back and my hairline are a completely different story. Yesterday, I went to the chiropractor and left so much oil on the paper they put down for your face and I laughed. I use to be self conscious of my oily face and now I'm singing it's praises. I'm quite pleased with my face. It's really looking good. I do wish there was a way to cleanse my whole body with FatFace. I'll keep researching.
On the topic of bodies, my dry/wet brush came over the weekend and I started using it. The brush is to help detox the body. I've read that it tightens skin, gets rid of stretch marks and helps in detox. I started with a little brush a few weeks ago, only on my stomach and have seen a noticeable difference in my stretch marks. Yesterday, I began a more routined dry brushing and I'm hoping my stretch marks will completely disappear. I do see a difference in the softness of my skin on my tummy. So in a week or so, I'll post a before and after photo with a review of the particular dry brush I purchased--Primal Palate has a review and was the one who gave me the idea to buy this particular brush.
In terms of food, the semester is over which means the dining hall is closed and I'm back to my own devices. This is not a bad thing per say because I have more say over what I eat and I see a huge difference when I'm not eating rice every day. But this weekend was vacation! We went to Vegas and I must say it's never easy to be super strict with my eating but this weekend was easier! We were prepared with snacks: hazelnut butter, gluten free chex, clementines, almond crackers and water! We ate some really great meals during our time. We went to this place I found a few years ago that serves gluten free pancakes, which I don't get very often so I indulged....two days in a row. I tend to do research on where I'll be so I make sure that I have some options. It's really hard to find gourmet food that's also gluten free. During my research before going to Vegas, I found a place that serves gluten free fried chicken, so we made a reservation and ate an amazing meal there! Our entire meal was gluten free: shrimp and grits, fried chicken and cauliflower, mashed potatoes! I ate so much. But it's rare to find good food that is mostly clean and doesn't make me feel sick. I even had a drink! We shared a bourbon lemonade drink and it was delicious!
Now with the holidays approaching, I'm playing with different food ideas. I'm going to make some cinnamon rolls and biscuits from Cassava flour. I've read really good things about it so I went ahead and got some so I could try different treats. I think too much almond flour gives me a tummy ache and I'd like to try to eat like a non-allergic person during the holidays.
Other things on the menu are: ham, sweet potatoes, salad, and gluten free 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies. This is the one time of year I get peanut butter kiss cookies so I make them a little differently than most people but I love them. And holidays are the time to indulge.
Speaking of indulging, yesterday a package came for me. It was "Shari's Berries" (a student sent me a thank you) and those berries were better than any edible arrangement I've ever had! They are priced reasonably and make a great gift. They tasted great! I highly recommend them!!!
I shall keep you posted on the stretch mark situation and the holiday food situation! :)
Happy holidays!!!!!! Thanks for reading.
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