A week into dry brushing! My skin is very smooth and my stretch marks are slowly disappearing. When they appeared I was in college. It was probably 2007 or 2008. They were dark purple and I counted them every day. I have about 15 on either side of my belly button. I'm very self conscious of them. Even at my peak body weight and toned-ness, I'm not happy about showing them. I've tried to get rid of them for years. Tanning and using shea/coconut butter hasn't helped. Even loosing weight hasn't made them disappear! But since I've started dry brushing, they are starting to disappear! I'm so excited. In certain light/angels, I can see them but looking at my stomach head on, not so much! I'm beyond excited. This is the dry brush I bought. I really love it. I have sensitive skin, so I turn red almost immediately but besides that it's not a terrible experience.
My stretch marks aren't something I've learned to embrace. I really can't see past them. Because I gained weight so quickly I only see them. In high school I was a petite 118 lbs. Toward the end of high school, my senior year to be exact, I went up to about 150 then in college I went to my highest 180. The weight gain definitely impacted my body and my self-image. It was very hard to accept myself. I think part of it had to do with the fact that I was miserable because I was dieting and not loosing weight. I was eating gluten, which at the time I did not know I has an intolerance to so my moods and sleep were impacted by my food intake.
So much of my life was impacted by food and weight. Now at 30 years old, I'm eating in a way that helps my body, I've figured out various workouts that work, I've started to really take care of my physical and emotional body. Seeing a therapist a few times a year really helps. There's so much that goes into being the best version of yourself; it's exhausting and expensive.
I've really started to accept my body the only thing I want to change is those pesky marks, which the dry brushing is really helping with! So I'm one step closer to complete acceptance of myself as a whole being. This journey has been a long one but I find myself lucky because there are people older than me who have never accepted themselves as is so I think I'm ahead of the game ;)
I was having a conversation with someone at Barre about how my eyes get stuck on my problem areas if I let it. If I'm not careful, I can stare at my stomach and then I start to feel bad about my weight. It's actually pretty awful because I'm not super overweight but when I'm in all those positions, I'm constantly looking at my "problem" area. I've trained myself to look at my form and try to not focus on the rolls because even the thinnest person would have some sort of roll in those Barre positions. Thankfully, my mindset is working and I'm not thinking of giving up because of it.
It's all about outlook I guess. It's important to remember that it's not about the rolls but rather how I feel. It's about the fact that I haven't changed much but I'm starting to look more toned again. I love how I feel. I don't love how hungry I am but that's a good thing because that means my metabolism is working.
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