So one week in and I've lost 2.4 lbs. That's a lot for me in one week! I'm very excited about this and am looking forward to what's to come.
I should share that I walk with Stella for at least 30 minutes most mornings and if we aren't walking, we are playing or I'm stretching or doing yoga in the living room. Yesterday I went to the gym and lifted for 30 minutes. I did arms and legs and some ab workouts.
No cardio other than walking though folks! According to various sources, cardio, like running or intense marathons are a misconception and are really hard on your body. Listen to "Paleo Lifestyle and Fitness" Podcast on itunes and hear more. It is said that sprinting is better and has less impact on your body.
I find that walking for 45 minutes is giving me really serious energy. I cannot believe how I feel. Walking and lifting with some yoga has given me a new outlook. I am able to do more, walk longer and faster, I can jump, I just feel better.
I believe Paleo in addition to this low intensity workout regime has changed me and my body. My stomach is flatter and I can fit into pants I haven't been able to wear in a few years. And the real truth is, I'm not starving, just the opposite is happening! I'm eating, lots and yummy food. I do not have to deprive myself of things just to make sure I'm following the "diet."
I want coffee, I have some coffee with almond milk, I want brownies, I make Paleo brownies with avocado. I don't miss the old stuff. Well that's a lie, sometimes it's hard to not think about pizza or pancakes but then I remember how awful I felt afterward and how good I feel right now.
I wake up at 5:51am everyday without an alarm and I hang with Stella then we walk. A few weeks ago, getting out of bed before 7am was a struggle. I could not do it. I was weak, full, gross feeling and just plan exhausted. Now I'm sleepy at night but not tired. My entire body is aching from tired or overwork, it's a good sleepy. I hit the pillow between 930 and 1030 and I'm out. A good restful night sleep and I wake up refreshed. Never in my life has that happened.
Eboni use to say to me, "I think you're not getting nutrition because you're always tired" and now I think she's been right all along. I have been not getting what it is that my body needs to be healthy. I am healthy now. I just don't eat gluten or diary. Did you know that spinach has more calcium in it than dairy? YUP! Bye bye dairy! Who needs you?!
We've been making a lot of food at home and bought some good snacks to munch on. We are definitely in it to win it. I'm loving how my body is changing and feeling and how much energy I have. Even while I write this I can't believe how much energy I have and how not I hungry I am.
Oh yea, water, drink it. I am averaging between 60 and 90 oz of water a day, in the form of water or tea. Yes that's a lot but I feel so good drinking that much. It keeps me awake and feeling light and full.
Did you know if you drink only water before noon it will keep you awake more than a cup of coffee? Yup it's a fact.
Okay more soon folks!!!! Thanks for reading.
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