Saturday, January 26, 2013

Criticing the diet

Good morning!!!

I would like to point out that it is 6:30am in California. My body woke me up at 5:50am. A natural wake up, I have never had that before. What usually happens is Stella will lick my face to inform me she's ready to be up and playing. Today that did not happen. I woke up BEFORE her! God if you know me, you know this is a huge deal.

I have been doing a lot of thinking as of late about the privilege associated with the Paleo diet (and almost all lifestyles and diets). When I talk about Paleo I feel my privilege and then yesterday at Sprouts (like a whole foods) and Trader Joe's, I felt the privilege. I felt the ache that this is a way of life that I can only sustain with money and access to these places. The fact that I can afford and have access to organic fruits and veggies, any type of red meat, chicken, pork, sausage, or seafood is a privilege. Yesterday I bought coconut oil. Yup, we needed more. We ran low because we baked. Who does that? Us. It is a privilege and I will not forget that and I'm still trying to figure out what that means for me and how do I live with, sit with, and attempt to change this. 

If you think about where fast food joints are located, where dollar stores with the grocery part, Target, Walmart, all of it. If you really think about where (location not the name of the store) and look at the demographics. I look at people who are vegan, vegetarian, Paleo etc, and look at the class and race factors. Access access access. Our Sprouts is in a "richer" area of Claremont. 

Yesterday when we got home from our grocery shopping, we cleaned out the cabinets. This was hard, more so on my wife. We had to literally get rid of things that we cannot eat. We cleaned the fridge out first then moved to the cabinets. We were able to make 2 piles, throw out and free. We are lucky we live in a residence hall and most students would LOVE some of the stuff we have in there. So that's where we're at. Trying to figure this out in the context of the rest of our lives.

I am in no way saying this diet is bad or that no one should do it. I'm just saying it is a privilege to be able to completely overhaul your diet.

Thanks for reading! Up next, food fun!

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