Saturday, February 8, 2014

Paleo and Alcohol

I've never been a big drinker. I've never had a craving for a drink. I've never been one to say "let's go get wasted!" (even was I was not Paleo) but now that I am Paleo, I drink even less often (maybe once a month or once every 2 or 3 months). I decided last night, I was out, seeing a show, and at a gay club so why not have a drink?! Well I did. It didn't make me drunk but it wrecked havoc on me afterward! And I will say, this happens every damn time. I had a mixed drink, some spirits of some kind. Nothing huge. I am so dehydrated that I fainted this morning. I woke up so late and within 30 minutes, had all the signs of fainting, then it happened. The only thing I can think of that changed is I had a drink and every damn time, I get sick. I usually get the stomach problems. Drinkers poop really. You all know what I'm talking about. It's an over-share but I'm okay with it. That didn't happen this time. This time, I have gas so bad, the pains in my gut made me faint. Luckily, I took some meds and now I'm feeling slightly better, just weak. But not too weak cause I'm doing research on alcohol and Paleo. I'm resolving that I cannot have alcohol anymore except the recommended, tequila, gin, vodka or a hard cider. My goal is to never get drunk. It's a social thing so I like to do it every once and awhile so I'm guessing I'm okay if I try and experiment with different things.

To me alcohol is like beans, cheese and corn. I get very gassy and very bloated and I can hear my stomach working overtime to process it. All of the aforementioned are Paleo no-nos. As I'm in my second year of Paleo, I'm learning about what things my body can process and what it can't. I'm learning what works for me and what doesn't. I keep trying different things because I want to see how different combinations work with my system. Yesterday, I changed the ratio of meat to veggies all day and I ate way more veggies than normal. I try these things to see if my body stays full still and see how it reacts. I'm at a stand-still in weight loss but I'm okay with that. (kinda) I'd really like to try and loose the weight around my tummy but I know that will happen as long as I transition back to 100% Paleo and honestly, it's hard!

Some folks I know are doing the "whole 30" and I've thought about doing that. I might try some "superhero" diet but I don't want to get into the habit of dieting while I eat Paleo because I will fall back into bad habits that I don't want to touch with a 10 foot pole. It's easy to eat Paleo and not count calories or be concerned with what's going in my mouth because everything (for the most part) is whole, clean and real. But I do get more rigid if I'm doing something like a whole 30 because if I don't do it. I feel like I fail.

More resources on alcohol and Paleo:

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