Friday, June 10, 2016


Yesterday I decided that I would diffuse some oils, listen to a peaceful Spotify station and meditate. For those of you who know me, or don't, this is somewhat challenging for me. While meditating I remembered going to a meditation class sometime within 2004-2006 (yes large span) and I remembered being very uncomfortable, fidgety, and unable to turn my brain off. It made me so uncomfortable that I was being vulnerable in a room full of people I didn't know.

Well last night, I meditated for 13 uninterrupted minutes....I tried for 15 but heard someone at my door so stopped at minute 9 and restarted the timer for 10 minutes. It was my first time intentionally clearing my head and pushing every thought out. I did use that time to focus on quiet, clear, breathing, and the universe.

I asked during my meditative state for my journey to become clear. There are so many things I want to do and I get so caught up in the could be and excitement of all the new things. I just need to figure out my path, whatever that may be.

There are major health benefits to meditation. My goal is to meditate for 15 minutes 3-4 days a week working up to every day.

I challenge you today, to take 5 minutes in stillness and just listen; to your body, your desires, your heart. Take 5 minutes of quiet to hear what you've been missing.

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