As someone living with endometriosis, I honestly was unsure how this cup would feel. Would I feel it? Would it aggravate me? Would it cause a flare up? I couldn't find research in the endo community around it so I wasn't so sure. But then I tried it. I have been using it for a day now and I'm very happy. My cramps are not even close to what they use to be but I do have a sore abdomen from the aches inside. I'm still on my pain regimen of Ibuprofen 3 times a day but this cup is amazing.
I had a lot of reservations about how to empty it, clean it, get in and out but it's not as hard as I thought it would be! I'm really into it and it's kind of cool to see the 'clots' as whole pieces and there isn't any cotton keeping everything inside. Tampon users, you know what I'm talking about! It's an amazing little silicon miracle worker!
The company boasts you can wear it 12 hours without changing it. Well, I wore it for 9+ and I needed to empty it so I think I have to purchase a bigger size or just empty it more regularly before bed. The company sells multiple colors, an amazing smelling cleanser --made from natural ingredients including essential oils, and cleansing cloths for when you're on the go.
I really like it and I'm really surprised I like it. I think it could be changing the way my period works for me. And how my body responds to my period. I think it's really cool, easy, and there is literally no waste (unless you use the cleansing cloths). I'd challenge anyone out there to give it a go. It's cheaper than tampons in the long run. It also has better reviews than the Diva Cup. The starter pack on amazon was $40 (cup and cleanser) and I would spend $40 on tampons, pads, etc for a month or two. This thing will pay for itself! It's really nice. I'd say give it a go! That's my review :) Happy day!

Update: Day four and my period has ended. The Lunette Cup for the WIN. I did have a rough morning yesterday with cramps but it was a different kind of cramp. And it wasn't because of anything other than me forgetting to take my pain meds. It was an easier period and the cup has really changed it. My period in the past few months has lasted closer to a week and I think on day four, it's over!
I'm so impressed. As someone living with endometriosis, I can't believe how much easier period was this time around. It's never been this easy. I'm a firm believer in this cup!
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